
License and Warranty Addendum...

The software you are acquiring has been specially configured to run on a network, and consequently Interact Commerce Corporation grants to you the right to use the enclosed Software on a computer network provided that for each and every concurrent user on the network, you have acquired and dedicated one licensed copy of the software.

What’s Included.

“How-Do-I” support

Consulting Services.

Programming Services.

I - ACT! OLE Database Object

Conventions used in this section. 17

Syntax conventions. 17

Terminology. 18

Parameter types. 18

Special data types. 19

Date and time formats. 19

Phone formats. 20

Overview of the ACT! OLE Database Object 21

How can developers use an ACT! OLE Database Object?. 21

How does the OLE Database Object affect the ACT! user interface?. 21

Is the OLE Database Object a database tool for developing applications that can access ACT! data?  21

Features and limitations of the ACT! OLE Database Object 22

System requirements. 22

Development languages. 22

Using the Database Object with Visual C++. 22

Example VISUAL C++ code. 23

Using properties in Visual C++. 24

Understanding key files. 24

Using the type library. 25

ACT! Database Unique ID field considerations. 25

ACT! OLE Database Object definitions. 26

ACT! OLE object model 27

What’s new   28

Changes for ACT! 3.0.6. 28

Changes for ACT! 3.0.7. 29

Changes for ACT! 4.0. 29

Changes for ACT! 4.0.2. 30

Changes for ACT! 2000. 30

II - ACT! OLE Application Object

Common properties and methods. 34

Add Method. 38

Close Method. 39

Data Property. 39

Delete Method. 40

Edit Method. 41

Error Property. 41

Execute Method. 42

FieldCount Property. 42

Fields Property. 43

FindDuplicates Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 43

GetDataEx Method (requires ACT! 4.0.2 or later) 44

GetDuplicateCriteria Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 46

GetSort Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 47

GoTo Method. 48

IsBOF Property. 48

IsEOF Property. 49

IsLocked Property. 49

IsOpen Property. 49

Jump Method. 50

LastError Property. 50

LockLevel Property. 51

Lookup Method. 51

LookupKeyword Method. 52

MoveFirst Method. 53

MoveLast Method. 53

MoveNext Method. 53

MovePrevious Method. 54

Name Property. 54

Position Property. 54

Query Property. 55

Rebuild Method. 55

RecordCount Property. 55

SetDataEx Method (requires ACT! 4.0.2 or later) 56

SetDuplicateCriteria Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 57

Sort Method. 58

Update Method. 59

Activity object properties and methods. 60

Clear Method. 62

ClearClearedFilter Method. 62

ClearContactScope Method. 62

ClearDateScope Method. 63

ClearGroupScope Method. 63

ClearPriorityFilter Method. 63

ClearRecurring Method. 64

ClearTimedFilter Method. 64

ClearTimelessFilter Method. 64

ClearTypeFilter Method. 65

ClearUnclearedFilter Method. 65

ExceptionInfo Property. 65

FirstScheduledWith Property. 66

GetDaysOfMonthBits Method. 67

GetDaysOfWeekBits Method. 68

GetRecurringFrequency Method. 69

GetRecurringUntilDate Method. 70

GetWeeksOfMonthBits Method. 71

HasAlarm Method. 72

HasDetails Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 72

IsClear Method. 73

IsOutlookActivity Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 73

IsRecurring Method. 74

IsTimeless Method. 74

NextScheduledWith Property (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 75

RecurringChangeMode Property. 76

recurringType Property. 76

SetClearedFilter Method. 77

SetContactScope Method. 77

SetDateScope Method. 78

SetGroupScope Method. 79

SetPriorityFilter Method. 79

SetRecurringDays Method. 80

SetRecurringDaysAndWeeksofMonth Method. 80

SetRecurringWeekDays Method. 82

SetTimedFilter Method. 83

SetTimeless Method. 83

SetTimelessFilter Method. 83

SetTypeFilter Method. 84

SetUnclearedFilter Method. 84

Unclear Method. 85

Contact object methods. 86

LoadLookUpQuery Method (requires ACT! 3.0.6 or later) 86

LookupMyRecord Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 86

SetAsMyRecord Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 87



Database object properties and methods. 89

ActiveUserCount Property. 91

Activity Property. 91

ActVersion Method (requires ACT! 3.0.6 or later) 92

BeginBatchInsert Method (requires ACT! 4.0.2 or later) 92

BeginBatchUpdate Method (requires ACT! 4.0.2 or later) 93

Close Method. 95

Contact Property. 95

CurrentUser Property. 95

DatabaseVersion Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 96

Email Property. 96

EndBatchInsert Method (requires ACT! 4.0.2 or later) 97

EndBatchUpdate Method (requires ACT! 4.0.2 or later) 97

GetDatabasePath Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 97

GetTableId Method (requires ACT! 3.0.6 or later) 98

GetTableNameFromId Method (requires ACT! 3.0.6 or later) 99

GetTableNameFromIndex Method (requires ACT! 3.0.6 or later) 99

GetUniqueId Method. 100

Group Property. 100

IsInBatchMode Property (requires ACT! 4.0.2 or later) 100

IsLocked Property (requires ACT! 4.0.2 or later) 101

IsMultiUser Property. 101

IsOpen Property. 101

IsOpening Property. 102

Lock Method (requires ACT! 4.0.2 or later) 102

LogTransactions Property. 103

MajorVersion Property. 103

MinorVersion Property. 104

Name Property. 104

NoteHistory Property. 104

Open Method. 105

OpenEx Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 105

PhoneFormatting Property. 106

Relations Property (requires ACT! 3.0.6 or later) 106

TableCount Method (requires ACT! 3.0.6 or later) 107

Unlock Method (requires ACT! 4.0.2 or later) 107

Users Property. 107

ValidateUser Method. 108

Version Property (requires ACT! 3.0.6 or later) 109

Email object methods. 110

ClearContactScope Method (requires ACT! 3.0.7 or later) 110

SetContactScope Method (requires ACT! 3.0.7 or later) 110

ExceptionInfo object properties and methods. 112

Add Method. 112

Clear Method. 113

Count Property. 113

Remove Method. 113

Seek Method. 114

Value Method. 114

Fields object properties and methods. 115

AutoPopulate Property (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 116

BeginBatch Method (requires ACT! 4.0.2 or later) 117

Count Property. 118

DecimalPlaces Property. 119

EndBatch Method (requires ACT! 4.0.2 or later) 119

EntryRule Property (requires ACT! 4.0.2 or later) 119

EntryTrigger Property. 120

Exists Property. 121

ExitTrigger Property. 121

FieldId Property (requires ACT! 3.0.7 or later) 122

FieldIdAt Property (requires ACT! 3.0.6 or later) 122

Flags Property. 123

GetLinkToList Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 123

HasPopupList Property. 124

Id Property. 125

InitialValue Property. 125

IsBlockSync Property. 125

IsCutHistory Property. 126

IsIndexed Property. 126

IsPrimary Property. 127

IsSortable Property. 127

Label Property. 128

Length Property. 128

Modifiable Property. 129

POPUPINFO Property. 129

SetLinkToList Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 130

Type Property. 131

UnLinkLists Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 132

Group object properties and methods. 134

AddContact Method. 135

AddSubGroup Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 135

AssignParent Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 136

ChangeToParentGroup Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 137

ChangeToSubGroup Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 137

ClearContactScope Method (requires ACT! 3.0.7 or later) 138

ContactCount Property. 138

GetParent Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 139

GetSubGroup Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 139

GetSubGroupCount Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 140

GetSubGroupList Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 141

GroupType Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 142

Members Property. 143

RemoveContact Method. 143

SetContactScope Method (requires ACT! 3.0.7 or later) 143

ListTable object methods. 145

ClearScope Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 145

GetScope Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 146

SetScope Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 146

Members object properties. 148

Name Property. 149

UniqueId Property. 149

NoteHistory object methods. 150

History types. 150

ClearAttachmentFilter Method. 152

ClearContactScope Method. 152

ClearGroupScope Method. 152

ClearHistoryFilter Method. 153

ClearNoteFilter Method. 153

SetAttachmentFilter Method. 153

SetContactScope Method. 154

SetGroupScope Method. 154

SetHistoryFilter Method. 155

SetNoteFilter Method. 155

PopupInfo object properties and methods. 156

Add Method. 156

Clear Method. 157

PopupCount Property. 157

Remark Method. 158

Remove Method. 158

Value Method. 158

Relations object properties and methods. 160

Count Property (requires ACT! 3.0.6 or later) 161

GetColumn1ID Method (requires ACT! 3.0.6 or later) 162

GetColumn2ID Method (requires ACT! 3.0.6 or later) 162

GetRelationType Method. 162

GetTable1ID Method (requires ACT! 3.0.6 or later) 163

GetTable2ID Method (requires ACT! 3.0.6 or later) 163

UsesRelationTable Method (requires ACT! 3.0.6 or later) 163

Sales object methods. 165

AssociateWithContact Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 165

AssociateWithGroup Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 166

CompleteSale Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 167

ReopenSale Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 168

Users object properties and methods. 170

Access Property. 171

AddUser Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 171

CheckIsPhonebook Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 173

Count Property. 174

CurrentUserAccess Method (requires ACT! 3.0.6 or later) 174

CurrentUserId Method (requires ACT! 3.0.6 or later) 174

CurrentUserName Method (requires ACT! 3.0.6 or later) 175

CurrentUserSecurity Method (requires ACT! 3.0.6 or later) 175

Exists Property. 176

GetPassword Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 176

IsValidPassword Method. 177

Name Property. 177

Security Property. 178

SetAsPhonebook Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 178

SetPassword Method. 179

UniqueId Property. 179


Chapter 3       OLE Database Object Error Codes........................................................... 181


Conventions used in this section. 196

Syntax conventions. 196

Terminology. 196

Parameter types. 197

Special considerations. 197

Using properties in Visual C++. 198

Changing the focus. 198

System requirements. 198

Development languages. 198

Using the Application Object with Visual C++. 198

Example C++ code. 199

Understanding key files. 200

ACT! OLE Application Object model 201

What’s new   202

Changes for ACT! 4.0. 202

Changes for ACT! 2000. 204

Changes for ACT! 2000 version 5.0.2. 205

Chapter 2

Common properties and methods. 208

Activate Method. 209

Active Property. 210

Application Method. 210

Caption Property. 210

ClearError Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 211

Close Method. 211

CurrentFieldId Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 212

CurrentRecord Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 212

Displayed Property. 213

GetLastError Method. 213

GetMode Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 214

HasRecordChanged Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 215

LookupKeyword Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 215

Maximize Method. 216

Minimize Method. 216

Name Property. 217

Parent Method. 217

ReSize Method. 217

Show Method. 218

Type Property. 219

Update Method. 219

ViewState Property (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 220


Application object properties and methods. 221

ActVersion Property (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 223

AddUser Method. 224

BackupDB Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 225

Caption Property. 225

ChangePassword Method. 226

ClearError Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 227

CloseDB Method. 227

Command Method. 227

CompressDB Method. 228

GetActiveDB Method (not currently implemented) 228

GetAppName Method. 229

GetAppPath Method. 229

GetCurrentUserName Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 230

GetLastError Method. 230

GetOpenDBName Method. 230

GetPosition Method. 231

GetSize Method. 232

GetUserId Method. 232

GetUserPrivilege Method. 233

GetVersion Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 233

Help Method. 234

IsDBOpen Method. 234

IsVisible Method. 234

LastContactListModTime Property. 235

Maximize Method. 235

Minimize Method. 235

OpenDB Method. 236

OpenFile Method. 236

Preferences Method. 237

ProcessFile Method. 237

PurgeHistories Method. 238

PurgeNotes Method. 238

PurgeTransactions Method. 239

ReIndexDB Method. 240

RemoveOutlookActivities Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 241

ReSize Method. 241

RestoreDB Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 242

RunMacro Method. 242

SaveCurrentLookup Method. 243

SendKey Method. 243

Show Method. 244

Update Method. 245

UpdateOutlookActivities Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 245

Views Method. 246

CalendarView object methods. 247

GetActiveMonth Method. 248

GetCalendarMode Method. 248

SetActiveMonth Method. 249

SetCalendarMode Method. 249

ContactListView object methods. 250

AddNewContact Method (obsolete) 250

AddNewContactEx Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 250

GetGrid Method. 251

ContactView object methods. 253

Activities Method. 255

AddContactToGroup Method. 255

AddNewActivity Method (obsolete) 256

AddNewActivityEx Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 257

AddNewContact Method. 258

AddNoteHistory Method (obsolete) 259

AddNoteHistoryEx Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 259

AttachFile Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 261

BOL Method. 261

CompleteSale Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 262

CreateLookup Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 263

CreateSalesForecast Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 263

Delete Method. 264

DeleteContactFast Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 265

EOL Method. 265

GetActiveGroup Method. 266

GetActiveGroupName Method. 267

GetActiveTab Method. 268

GetCount Method. 269

GetCurrentID Method. 269

GetField Method. 270

GetTabCount Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 270

GetTabName Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 271

Goto Method. 272

GroupMembership Method. 272

LookupAll Method. 273

LookupField Method (obsolete) 273

LookupFieldEx Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 273

LookupMyRecord Method. 275

LookupPrevious Method. 275

MoveFirst Method. 275

MoveLast Method. 276

MoveNext Method. 276

Moveprevious Method. 276

NewContactDialog Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 277

NotesHistory Method. 277

RunQuery Method. 277

Sales Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 278

SaveQuery Method. 279

SelectContactDlg Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 279

SetActiveGroup Method. 280

SetActiveGroupName Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 281

SetActiveTab Method. 281

SetField Method. 281

TriggerActivitySeries Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 282

EmailView object methods. 284

GetActiveInbox Method. 284

GetInboxCount Method. 285

GetInboxName Method. 285

GetOpenFolderMessageCount Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 286

MsgComposeView Method. 286

OpenInbox Method. 287

SetActiveInbox Method. 287

Sort Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 288

ExplorerView object methods. 289

GetStartupURL Method. 290

GetURL Method. 290

GoBack Method. 290

GoForward Method. 291

Refresh Method. 291

SetURL Method. 291

Stop Method. 292

Grid object methods. 293

BOL Method. 294

DeleteRow Method. 295

EOL Method. 295

GetColumnCount Method. 296

GetColumnID Method. 297

GetColumnName Method. 298

GetCurrentRow Method. 299

GetField Method. 299

GetFilter Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 300

GetLastError Method. 302

GetRowCount Method. 302

GetRowNumber Method. 303

GetUniqueID Method. 303

Goto Method. 303

MoveFirst Method. 304

MoveLast Method. 304

MoveNext Method. 305

Moveprevious Method. 305

RefreshGrid Method. 305

SelectRow Method. 306

SetField Method. 306

SetFilter Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 307

Sort Method. 308

GroupView object methods. 309

Activities Method. 310

AddMemberToGroup Method. 311

AddNew Method. 312

AddNewSubGroup Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 313

AddNote Method (obsolete) 314

AddNoteEx Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 314

AttachFile Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 315

BOL Method. 316

ChangeToParentGroup Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 316

ChangeToSubGroup Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 317

Collapse Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 317

ContactMembers Method. 318

Delete Method. 319

DeleteGroupFast Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 319

EOL Method. 319

Expand Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 320

GetActiveTab Method. 320

GetCount Method. 321

GetCurrentID Method. 322

GetField Method. 323

GetSubGroupCount Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 323

GetTabCount Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 324

GetTabName Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 324

Goto Method. 324

GroupType Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 325

IsExpanded Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 325

LookupAll Method. 326

LookupField Method (obsolete) 326

LookupFieldEx Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 326

LookupPrevious Method. 327

MoveFirst Method. 327

MoveLast Method. 328

MoveNext Method. 328

Moveprevious Method. 329

NotesHistory Method. 329

RunQuery Method. 329

SaveQuery Method. 330

SetActiveTab Method. 331

SetField Method. 331

MailComposeView object methods. 333

AddAttachment Method. 334

AddBccRecepient Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 335

AddCcRecepient Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 336

AddRecepient Method. 336

ClearAll Method. 336

ClearAttachments Method. 337

ClearBodyText Method. 337

ClearRecepients Method. 337

ClearSubject Method. 338

Send Method. 338

SetBodyText Method. 338

SetSubject Method. 339

Preferences object properties and methods. 340

AttachMsgToContact Property (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 343

AttachToMsgUsing Property (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 344

CalendarStartTime Property. 345

CalendarWeekStartsOn Property. 345

CalMinDurationForBanner Property (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 346

CheckScheduleConflicts Property. 348

ClearError Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 349

ContactSalutation Property (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 349

DefaultContactLayout Property. 350

DefaultGroupLayout Property. 351

DisplayCountryCode Property. 352

EnableSpeedLoader Property (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 353

ExitPrompt Property. 354

GenerateSynchReport Property (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 355

GetActivityCleanupStyle Method. 355

GetAttachmentInfo Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 356

GetCalendarIncrements Method. 356

GetDataToSynch Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 357

GetDBMaintReminderInfo Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 358

GetDefaultApplication Method. 359

GetDefaultLocation Method. 359

GetEmailInboxSettings Method. 360

GetEmailNewMsgInfo Method. 361

GetEmailSystem Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 362

GetLastError Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 362

GetNameSettings Method. 362

GetSchdActivityDefaults Method. 363

GetSchdAutoRollover Method. 365

GetStyle Method. 366

GetSynchSchedule Method (obsolete) 366

GetSynchScheduleInfo Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 367

GetSynchSettings Method. 368

GetSynchUpdateInfo Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 368

NewActivitiesPrivate Property. 369

NewActivitiesSeparate Property (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 370

NewContactsPrivate Property. 371

NewGroupsPrivate Property. 372

PromptToPrintEnvelope Property (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 373

ReceivedSynchLocation Property (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 374

RememberPassword Property. 374

RemindToBackup Property (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 375

ReturnReceipt Property (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 376

SecondGroupColumn Property. 377

SetActivityCleanupStyle Method. 377

SetAttachmentInfo Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 378

SetCalendarIncrements Method. 380

SetDataToSynch Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 381

SetDBMaintReminderInfo Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 382

SetDefaultApplication Method. 383

SetDefaultLocation Method. 384

SetEmailInboxSettings Method. 385

SetEmailNewMsgInfo Method. 386

SetEmailSystem Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 387

SetNameSettings Method. 388

SetSchdActivityDefaults Method. 389

SetSchdAutoRollover Method. 391

SetStyle Method. 392

SetSynchSchedule Method (obsolete) 393

SetSynchScheduleInfo Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 394

SetSynchSettings Method. 395

SetSynchUpdateInfo Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 395

ShowContactParsingDialog Property (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 397

ShowCurrentMonthOnly Property. 397

StartupDatabase Property. 398

StartupMacro Property. 399

TabNavigation Property. 400

UseAct20Keys Property. 401

UseDialer Property (not currently implemented) 402

UseLastDBonStartup Property. 402

UseTypeahead Property (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 403

WaitTime Property (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 404

TaskListView object methods. 406

AddNewActivity Method (obsolete) 406

AddNewActivityEx Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 406

GetGrid Method. 408

Views object property and methods. 409

Application Method. 410

ClearError Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 410

CloseAll Method. 410

Count Property. 411

Create Method. 411

CreateBrowserView Method (requires ACT! 2000 version 5.0.2 or later) 412

CreateBrowserViewFromUrl Method (requires ACT! 2000 version 5.0.2 or later) 413

CreateEx Method (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 413

FindExplorerView Method (requires ACT! 4.0 or later) 414

GetActive Method. 415

GetLastError Method. 416

GetView Method. 416

GetViewEx Method (requires ACT! 2000 version 5.0.2 or later) 417

Chapter 3      

 OLE Application Object Error Codes...

III ACT! Scripting Support

Conventions used in this manual 427

Parameter types. 428

System requirements. 428

Overview   429

Adding a VBScript script file to ACT! 431

Using ACT! Scripting Support with the OLE Application Object 432

Registering the custom control 433

Using event control in Visual Basic. 433

Using event control in Visual C++. 434

Event control methods. 434

Register Method. 434

UnRegister Method. 435

IsActRunning Method. 435

Event control events. 436

OnContactAdd Event 437

OnContactChange Event 437

OnContactDelete Event 437

OnContactListChange Event 438

OnContactLookupChange Event 438

OnContactPosChange Event 438

OnDatabaseClose Event 439

OnDatabaseOpen Event 439

OnGroupAdd Event 439

OnGroupChange Event 440

OnGroupDelete Event 440

OnGroupListChange Event 440

OnGroupPosChange Event 441

OnActUserWantsToClose Event 441

IV - Adding Extensible Views and Tabs to ACT!TM

Syntax conventions used in this manual 445

Overview   446

System requirements. 449

What’s new   449

Changes for ACT! 2000. 449

Changes for ACT! 2000 version 5.0.2. 449

Defining the control file header 452

Defining the view in the View section. 452

Adding navigation buttons to the toolbar in the Commands section (ACT! 4.0 only) 455

Adding URL buttons to the navigation toolbar in the URL section. 456

Creating a custom bitmap for the View bar button. 457

Creating custom icons for navigation toolbar buttons. 458

Using a sample control file. 458

Editing a sample control file. 459

Using the added views and tabs. 459

Removing control files. 459


Conventions used in this manual 463

Syntax conventions. 463

Overview   464

System requirements. 464

What’s new   464

Changes for ACT! 2000 version 5.0.2. 464

Understanding the Command Object 467

Command object methods. 468

AddAuxCommand Method. 469

AddAuxCommandEnabled Method (requires ACT! 2000 version 5.0.2 or later) 471

AddAuxCommandToMenu Method (requires ACT! 2000 version 5.0.2 or later) 472

AddAuxCommandToToolbar Method. 474

AddAuxCommandToToolsMenu Method. 475

AddAuxSubMenu Method (requires ACT! 2000 version 5.0.2 or later) 476

AuxCommandExists Method. 478

AuxCommandExistsInMenus Method (requires ACT! 2000 version 5.0.2 or later) 478

AuxCommandExistsInToolbar Method. 479

AuxCommandExistsInToolsMenu Method. 480

AuxSubMenuExists Method (requires ACT! 2000 version 5.0.2 or later) 480

DeleteAuxCommand Method. 481

RemoveAuxCommandFromMenus Method (requires ACT! 2000 version 5.0.2 or later) 482

RemoveAuxCommandFromToolbar Method. 483

RemoveAuxCommandFromToolsMenu Method. 484

RemoveAuxSubMenu Method (requires ACT! 2000 version 5.0.2 or later) 485

Chapter 3      

Adding Custom Commands to ACT! Error Codes.

A - ACT! Database File Formats Reference

Overview of ACT! Database Files. 491

ACT! database table relationships. 495

What’s New   496

Changes for ACT! 4.0. 496

Changes for ACT! 2000. 496

Looking at ACT! Database Tables. 496

Activity table (.ADB) fields. 496

Contact table (.DBF) fields. 501

E-mail table (.EDB) fields. 508

Group table (.GDB) fields. 509

List table (.DDB) fields (requires ACT! 2000 or later) 513

Notes/History table (.HDB) fields. 514

Relational table (.REL) fields. 517

Understanding the Relational table. 518

Sales table (.SDB) fields (ACT! 2000 or later) 519