SCI Song
Lyrics by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Music by Rick Shaddock :)
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How to memorize the 16 Principles of
SCI in 16 minutes
To understand the
deep meaning behind the lyrics
we highly suggest you first take the 33 lesson course,
Science of Creative Intelligence,
and its practical experience,
the Transcendental Meditation technique,
at your local TM Center. and
SCI Course
This song is open
source for the meditating public. Feel free to perform and sing it royalty free.
Please send your suggestions and welcome videos of your performances to
Disclaimer: This web
site is highly supportive of the TM Organization, but is not an official site.
In fact they probably think this is rather ridiculous.
Version 3.0 with
mnemonic hand gestures, lyrics, and piano keys (a-g)
Seek the Highest first
First finger up |
c c c c
C |
Order's present every where
Point like giving orders |
AA+ AaA+ C
A+A g
Life is found in layers
Fingers like layers |
A g+
A A+ A f |
Inner is the basis of the outer
Fingers in, then out |
g f+
g A g f e g f c |
The nature of life is to grow
Fingers up like a flower |
d d d e e e f |
and activity
are the steps of progressHand
down to rest, then up wiggling |
d d d ggg
f e f g f c |
Do less and accomplish more
Let your hand drop |
g f e f A c |
Every action
has a reactionHand bounces back
up |
d g g
f e f g f c |
PurIFication LEads to proGRESS
Shake hand like saying no to something |
c d d d e e e f |
The field of all
possibilities is the
source of all solutions

Maharishi often used his hands when
talking of the field of all possibilities |
c c c C
AA+ AA+ C A+A g
A g+ A A+ A f |
Thought leads into action
then achievement
aCHIEVEment leads
to fulfillMENT Fist like Rodin's
statue of
The Thinker |
g f+ g g+ g f e g f c
c d d e
e e f |
Knowledge is gained
from outside and insideFist point
thumb out then in |
d d d g
f e f g f c |
Knowledge is structured
in consciousnessHands make narrow
then wide view |
d d d
g f e f A c |
Harmony is
Hands like playing harmonica |
d d g g
f e f g f c |
The whole
is contained in every partHands
making holes |
c c c c C
AA+ AA+ C A+A g |
The whole is
than the
sum of the partsHands gesture
wholeness |
g f+ g g+ g f e
c d d e e f
Musical notation

Version 1.0 - rough
Version 2.0
- a bit goofy
practice anywhere anytime
16 Asana

to help remember the 16 Principles
Why memorize the 16 Principles?

Richard Beall
PhD the Headmaster of Maharishi School in Fairfield
listed Principles perfectly from memory as an example to the students.
Oprah Winfrey asked Dr. Beall: "What
are the 16 principles?"
on her nationwide television show, seen by millions of people:
C I Corporation
SCI Principles