16 Principles of the Science of Creative Intelligence

Mnemonic memory devices to help review the SCI Principles
Note: These are NOT official memory aids from Maharishi - who did not need aids.
The goal is to, with regular practice, transcend the need for any memory aids.

NOTE: It is important to take the SCI Course at your local TM Center first,
and hear Maharishi explain each principle in detail, to avoid misinterpretation.
For the password please email to info@ScienceOfCreativeIntelligence.com

Richard Beall PhD the Headmaster of Maharishi School in Fairfield
listed Principles perfectly from memory as an example to the students.

Oprah Winfrey asked Dr. Beall: "What are the 16 principles?"
on her nationwide television show, seen by millions of people:

How would you answer if you were suddenly asked to list the 16 Principles?
Here are some tips to can help you remember them - especially when on the spot.

Phase Memorization and Learning
1 Using memory aids, mnemonic devices, or "crutches" to get started
2 Transcending the needs for memory aids, remembering naturally
3 Thinking deeply about the principles and concepts

Kinesthetic Learning Technique
Helping hand gestures to remember the 16 Principles of SCI



16 Asana Positions

to help remember the 16 Principles

SCI Song
Songs are used in musical plays to help the actors remember the words.
School children learn the ABC Song to remember the 26 letters of the alphabet.

Initials Technique and Memory Association Technique
16 Initial Letters

# Principle Initials Memory aid (suggestions welcome)

Seek the Highest first

H First is Highest first. 
2 Order is present everywhere O Two - To.  made TO order
3 Life is found in Layers L A layer cake has at least 3 layers
4 Inner is the basis of the Outer I Four-Inner (foreigner) from outside with dependents (kids)
5 Nature of life is to grow N Five - Alive.  Nature of Life
6 Rest and activity are the steps of progress R Six - go to Motel 6 for rest
7 Do less and accomplish more D Seven - Heaven - place where you can do less
8 Every Action has a reAction A If you ate (eight) much there will be a reaction in your stomach
9 Purification leads to Progress P Nine - Nein (No in German) - say no to impure things
10 Source of all Solutions is the field of all possibilities S Ten  - a tent in a field
11 Thought leads to action, action leads to achievement, and achievement leads to fulfillment T 11 looks like | | or a path.  Path of Knowledge.  Thought leads to action, etc.
12 Knowledge is gained from Outside (Objective) and inside (subjective) O 12 is a dOzen eggs
13 Knowledge is structured in Consciousness C 13 is unlucky or lucky number, depending on perspective / consciousness
14 Harmony exists in diversity H Four Teens - like the Beatles, singing in Harmony
15 Whole is contained in every part W 15 looks like IS  - whole IS contained...
16 The whole is greater than the Sum of the parts S Sweet 16

Sentence from Initials Technique
Remember something short to
remember something long

Hol in r Daps to chws
(DAPS = Distributed Applications)

SCI Principles in a Story Sequence Techinque
This is similar to the story to help us remember the 13 colonies in the order they became the United States.
Here is a story about buying a birthday cake as a present, going out, and eating it.

Hi!  First, we Ordered a (birthday) present everywhere in town, and a Life founding layer cake.  Inner is the basis of the outer as the Nature of life is to grow..  We enjoyed Rest and activity, the steps of progress, while Doing Less and accomplishing more.  Our Action had the reaction of Purification leading to progress in the Field of all possibilities.  Thought is for action, action is for achievement, and achievement is for fulfillment.  We Know Inside and Out that Knowledge is structured in consciousness.  Harmoniously in diversity, we ate the Whole container and every part (of the cake), and (our stomachs )became Greater than the sum of the parts.

Image Sequence Technique
Get the right brain involved, remembering 16 pictures associated with a reminder.  Click for explanations

Practice in transitioning from one SCI Principle to the next.
Each principle can remind us of the next principle.

Seek the highest first because
Order is present everywhere and
Life is found in layers and
Outer depends on the inner.
The nature of life is to grow because
Rest and activity are the steps of progress.
We do less and accomplish more and
Every action has a reaction.

Purification leads to progress  because
The field of all possibilities is the source of all solutions and
Knowledge is for action, action is for achievement, and achievement is for fulfillment

Knowledge is gained from inside and outside because
Knowledge is structured in consciousness and
Harmony exists in diversity

The whole is contained in every part because
The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

Repetition is the mother of learning

The 14 Qualifies of Creative Intelligence


For better memorization

Fullness, being purposeful, spontaneously become active, and takes a direction towards progress, and transcending, accelerates the integration of stability and adaptability, and enjoys evolution in self-purification, harmony, and fulfillment.

You may find that the 16 Principles of SCI are listed in a different order (below).
This page uses the order which makes Highest First first (makes sense huh?)
and makes the others most easily remembered through mnemonic devices.

Also "do less and accomplish more has been recently changed to
"Enjoy greater efficiency" apparently to prevent kids from being lazy.
But let's stick with what Maharishi said originally.  It's easier.

16 Principles of the Science of Creative Intelligence
(often listed in this order on other web sites)

Order is present everywhere
Life is found in layers
Outer is dependent on inner
Seek the highest first
Rest and activity are the steps of progress
Enjoy greater efficiency and accomplish more
Every action has a reaction
Purification leads to progress
The field of all possibilities is the source of all solutions
Thought leads to action, action leads to achievement, and achievement leads to fulfillment
Knowledge is gained from inside and outside
Knowledge is structured in consciousness
Harmony exists in diversity
Whole is contained in every part
The whole is greater than the sum of the parts
The nature of life is to grow



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