CallNot Software for ACT! ACT!  - -

D-day: FTC begins enforcing Do Not Call List on October 10, 2003

The U.S. Government has passed a law with a fine of up to $11,000 if you call someone who is on their http://DoNotCall.Gov list, in an effort to cut down on the number of telemarketer calls.

Don't unknowingly call someone on the list, and get fined!  This system will help you mark your databases with a No Call flag, or remove their record.  What is Do Not Call Cleaning?

Do Not Call Cleaning is a process that ensures that your "Do Not Call" phone lists are compliant with State & Federal laws.  This is done by matching your phone list database against actual government "Do Not Call" lists.  For less than a penny per name you can have those phone numbers marked to enable you to meet current government requirements.


On this last point, other similar programs do not check or correct Area Codes.  This is essential.  If a phone number in the database only contains the last 7 digits, for example 829-4444 in Washington DC, it would miss 202-829-4444, and you could get fined!

We suggest using the option which will put the letters "DNC" in the Extension field.
This is because ACT! only allows digits in the Phone field.

You can also see the DNC marks using the List View (Press F8)

If you do not see the Phone Ext field, right click on the gray field row, and Add Columns to View.
You will see a pop up list of fields.  Select Phone Ext, and drag it to the right of the Phone field.

Automatically make a "DoNotCall" Group

You can also launch the program from within ACT!  Note the right-most tool bar button.

Order Online
Software Cost: only
Consulting by phone & web, if needed: $60/hour
Demo version

DNC database must be purchased separately, from the FTC or other government agencies.
This varies with the number of area codes you would like.

The program can process over 80,000 records in 5 minutes
comparing against the FTC Do Not Call Lis

Over million people have joined the Do Not Call List. 

How many is that?

Link to

Database Software and Services

(It is ok to call us)

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Helping ACT! Users with Federal Laws

wpe9.gif (41471 bytes)
Federal Trade Commission

Do not horse around with the FTC. 
Do Not Call fines can be monumental.

We can also process your Access, Maximizer,, SalesLogix,
XML or any ODBC compatible database or ASCII text file

ACT!ODBCAccess MaximizerSalesForceSalesLogixNetLedger.jpg (1350 bytes)OracleOutlookPalmGroupWiseMaestroLotus NotesWord

We can also help with
Convert from other contact managers ACT!
Clean up your ACT!

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