Doing the "Impossible" Conversions to ACT!
"There is no way for ACT! to import the Goldmine files due to the
difference in file structure." - Ron K
"Act cannot read in the Maximizer files in Btrieve, so the Maximizer
MAP file is useless." - Mark C
"You can't get the data from the web into a non-web product such as ACT" -
"I can get my SharkWare data into Maximizer, but not into ACT!" - Greg D
Lotus Notes
to ACT!

Groupwise by
Novell to ACT!

"Novell uses the Btrieve format, a format that ACT cannot interpret." - Mark
FileMaker -
Windows or Mac to ACT!

TeleMagic to ACT!

Access to

"We haven't been able to import our Access data into ACT! and need your
help." Mike H - British Embassy
Excel to ACT!

"The problem I am having completing the conversion is due to ACT not accepting
hard returns from the excel spreadsheet data" Donna T
Broker's Ally, SalesNet, Janna Contact

"Data, things are only impossible until they are not!"
Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek, Episode 117: The Outcast
"Life is a field of all possibilities"
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi