Sort by Record Manager

PROBLEM: In ACT!, you can sort records by many fields, but not the Record Manager field.

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In the Contact List (F8) you can display the Record Manager, but not sort on this field.
When you print reports, you can print by Rep one at a time, but not create a single report sorted by all Reps.

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SOLUTION: Record Manager Manager helps solve this dilemma.
Simply run this utility prior to running ACT!, and you will be able to do so.

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This version must update the database first.

NOTE: We are working on a way to make it automatically update. The
problem is that no update Triggers are allowed for the Record Manager

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WARNING: This program uses the Owner field, which is not often used.   But if you are using this field, it will be over-written with the Record Manager.    If you would like to use another unused field, such as User15, this can be arranged as a customization.


1. Click on the Icon for Record Manager Manager

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2. Select your ACT! database DBF file, then OK

Note if you see this message, everyone must get out of ACT!

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3. Done! 

double Check to see that your Owner field has changed to become equal to the Record Manager

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You can now go to Contact List and sort by this field

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Run the process every day or before running your reports
to get the most up to date Record Managers into the Owner field