Import Wizard

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Step 1 of 8: Create your import file Import Wizard
Most applications (including Goldmine, Palm Desktop, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access and FileMaker) will allow you to export contact data into a comma delimited text file (.csv). suggests the following approach to creating an import file for your organization's account and contact data.

1. Export and merge all your contacts into a single csv file.
2. Using Microsoft Excel or a similar product, label each column in the file with the appropriate field name.
3. Specify the owner of each contact and account record with a special column labeled Record Owner.
4. Export the spreadsheet to a single csv file.
5. Once you have created a master csv file for accounts and contacts, click the Next button.

Step 2 of 8: Upload your file Import Wizard
1. Click Browse and find the file to import into

2. The selection below is set to a default value. Override this default value only if your import file has a different character encoding.
Note: It may take a few minutes to load your file, depending on the file size and your connection speed.

Step 3 of 8: Map Contact Fields Import Wizard
In the list below, select the field in your import file that should be imported into each field. Once you have finished, click Next:
Record Owner:
Contact Information  
You should import into either the Contact Full Name or First Name and Last Name, but not both. Field Import Field Field Import Field
Contact Full Name: Lead Source:
First Name: Reports To:
Last Name: Birthdate:
Salutation: Assistant's Name:
Title: Description:
E-mail Address: Contact Note:
Additional Contact Information  
Note: You can specify up to two additional contacts per record. Alternatively, you can move these contacts into separate records in your import file and restart the import wizard. Field Import Field Field Import Field
2nd Contact Full Name: 3rd Contact Full Name:
2nd Contact Phone Number: 3rd Contact Phone Number:
2nd Contact Phone Ext.: 3rd Contact Phone Ext.:
2nd Contact Title: 3rd Contact Title:

Step 4 of 8: Map Contact Phone and Address Fields Import Wizard
In the list below, select the field in your import file that should be imported into each field. Once you have finished, click Next:
Contact Address Information Field Import Field Field Import Field
Mailing Address Line 1: Other Address Line 1:
Line 2: Line 2:
Line 3: Line 3:
City: City:
State: State:
Postal Code: Postal Code:
Country: Country:

Contact Phone Information Field Import Field Field Import Field
Business Phone: Business Phone Ext.:
Business Fax: Business Fax Ext.:
Mobile Phone: Mobile Phone Ext.:
Home Phone: Home Phone Ext.:
Other Phone: Other Phone Ext.:
Asst. Phone: Asst. Phone Ext.:

Step 5 of 8: Map Account Fields Import Wizard
In the list below, select the field in your import file that should be imported into each field. Make sure to select the checkbox below if you want existing account data in to be updated with data in your import file. Once you have finished, click Next:
Overwrite existing account values
Account Information Field Import Field Field Import Field
Account: Website:
Parent Account: Ticker Symbol:
Account Number: Ownership:
Account Type: Employees:
Industry: SIC:
Revenue: Account Note:
Account Rating: Description:
Account Site: Parent Account Site:

Step 6 of 8. Map Account Phone and Address fields Import Wizard
In the list below, select the field in your import file that should be imported into each field. You can map the same field multiple times if necessary. Once you have finished, click Next:
Account Address Information  
Note: The Contact address is not automatically populated into the Account. You must map the Account address below. Field Import Field Field Import Field
Billing Address Line 1: Shipping Address Line 1:
Line 2: Line 2:
Line 3: Line 3:
City: City:
State: State:
Postal Code: Postal Code:
Country: Country:

Account Phone Information Field Import Field Field Import Field
Account Phone: Account Phone Ext.:
Account Fax: Account Fax Ext.:

Step 7 of 8: Map Extra Import fields Import Wizard

The following is a list of columns that have not been mapped to a field. The import wizard can merge these into a separate note attached to the contact or account. Check the columns you would like to include in the contact or account note. Once you have finished, click Next:

Include in
Contact Note
Include in
Account Note
not import
Extra import fields
parent_id (col 3)
shipping_city (col 10)
shipping_state (col 11)
shipping_zip (col 12)
shipping_country (col 13)
currency_iso_code (col 18)
account_number (col 25)
created_date (col 29)
created_by (col 30)
last_update (col 31)
last_update_by (col 32)
phone2 (col 33)
credit card (col 34)
freedrive (col 37)

Step 8 of 8: Review and Confirm ... Import Wizard
The import wizard has found the following:

WARNING: If you continue with this import, these records will be imported with YOU as the record owner. Reason: Specified record owner(s) are not recognized usernames.

Press Import Now! to submit this import request to