How to Send your Palm database Palm
to us for conversion to another format odbc.jpg (1207 bytes) 

So, you want to leave Palm and switch to another database system.

There are 3 basic steps:

1. Synchronize your Palm device with your Desktop Computer using the PalmDesktop software

2. File, Export the Date, Address, To-Do, and Memo databases to Archive files


 SEND THE FILE via a secure web browser service

Go to
Select the file such as ""
Send to
Enter your email address at your company
Message is optional, such as a password if necessary
click Transfer

    Remember to let us know the password if necessary to open the files.
    We will then perform the conversion.

4. Download the Finished database in the software of your choice
    When done, you can download the converted file
    Let us know when you are satisfied with the results so we can delete your files.

How much will it cost?

In Palm look at the number at the bottom of the table, then use the number of contacts to look up the cost on our Standard Chart.
If you have an unusually large number of fields, tables, or queries, please contact us.


1. Load Palm Desktop on a regular full sized computer or laptop (if not already installed)

Then open Palm Desktop and File Open the database.  You can obtain this utility from

An older but simple version of PalmDesktop 4.0 is available here. (7.8 megabytes)

Use the following steps to unArchive and load the data from the above mentioned files.

First you must set up a user.

In the Palm Desktop software, select


Enter the name of your database

New you have set up a new database for the Date, Address, ToDo and Memo files.  But the file is completely blank.  We will fill the files in by Importing the Archive files.



2. Synchronize with your Palm device

Connect your hand held Palm device to your desktop with a cable supplied by the manufacturer.

You will need the HotSync program, which loaded when you install the Palm Desktop software.

Locate the icon for HotSync in the lower right corner of your screen, near the date and time.

Press the button on your Palm to Synchronize

You will see the Palm with a screen showing the progress.

  and on the desktop you will see 

For each of these, you will use the File Export.. menu choice


Note that the Range of All is checked!

Select the Icon

You will see the following screen
Click to enlarge, for a closer look

File Export...

Enter your database name with the appropriate extension


Date Book Archive

Enter your database name _____.DBA


Address Book Archive

Enter your database name _____.ABA


To Do Archive

Enter your database name _____.TDA


Memo Pad Archive

Enter your database name _____.MPA

3. Zip up and Upload

You can send the files separately, or package them as one file.  A good way is to use WinZip or Windows' Compressed Folder feature.  It will be a .ZIP file, which means you can right click to compress the contents.

You will find the contents in your designated database folder, such as:


You will find four (4) files, each with the same first name, and last name (extension) with an A at the end for Archive.


Date Book Archive

Calendar Items with a date


Address Book Archive

Names, addresses, email, and phone numbers


To Do Archive

Things to Do in a priority check list


Memo Pad Archive

Notes and documents in text format

To upload the files to us, please use our form

dataupload.jpg (159276 bytes)

We will then begin converting your database to the software of your choice.




