For more modern information, please see
actconvert.jpg (7426 bytes)
GoldmineConvert.jpg (6147 bytes)



Here is an older program for your information



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  *           Copyright (C) 1992 by Elan Software Corporation              *

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Subject: How to Import ACT! 2.x into GoldMine 2.x





This document provides step-by-step instructions for importing

ACT! 2.x database records into GoldMine version 2.0 or 2.5.   Upon

completion of the import process, all ACT! contact records,

contact notes, and contact history will be available under



What You Will Need


To complete the import of Act records into GoldMine, you will

need the following:


1.  A properly installed copy of ACT! 2.x.


2.  A properly installed copy of GoldMine version 2.0 or 2.5.

Installation instructions for GoldMine can be found in the

GoldMine user manual or can be obtained via the ELAN Software

Support BBS at (310)459-3443.


3.  The ACT!-to-GoldMine conversion utility.  This can be obtained

by downloading the file ACT2GOLD.ZIP from the Utilities file

section on the ELAN Software Support BBS, or by requesting the

utility on disk from ELAN Software.


4.  VERY, VERY IMPORTANT!!!  The Contact Name and Phone Numbers in your

ACT! 2.x database cannot be empty. You may need to make a filter in ACT!

to select only records with an empty Contact Name, and replace the Contact

Name with Company for example.  Refer to your ACT! documentation for details

on doing this process if necessary.



Conversion Overview


Conversion of ACT! 2.x data into a GoldMine readable format

requires several steps.  Below is a summary of the process.


1.  If necessary, decompress (unzip) the files stored in the Act-

to-GoldMine conversion utility, ACT2GOLD.ZIP.


2.  Export all contact information in ACT! by selecting the

File/Export option.


3.  Export all contact notes and history in ACT! by executing the

user-defined report included in the Act-to-GoldMine conversion



4.  Import the ACT! export file into GoldMine.


5.  Import the contact notes and history into the GoldMine

database by executing the ACT2GOLD.EXE utility.


Preparing the Conversion Utility


The ACT!-to-GoldMine conversion utility may be distributed on

disk, or as an archive file, ACT2GOLD.ZIP, and consists of three



ACT2GOLD.EXE   The data conversion utility.

ACT2GOLD.RPT   The ACT! user defined report to extract notes and

               history form the ACT! database.

ACT2GOLD.PRG   Source code for the conversion utility.


Only the first two files are necessary for the conversion.

Before they can be used, however, they must be extracted from the

archive file using PKUNZIP.EXE.  If you do not have PKUNZIP.EXE

loaded on your system, you can copy it from the GoldMine

installation disk into your DOS directory.  Place the

installation diskette in the A: drive and type:


                   COPY A:\PKUNZIP.EXE C:\DOS


This will place a copy of PKUNZIP.EXE on your hard drive.


To unarchive the conversion files, change to the drive or

directory containing ACT2GOLD.ZIP and key the following:


                        PKUNZIP ACT2GOLD


This command will place the conversion utility files in the

directory containing the ACT2GOLD.ZIP archive file.  You will

need to remember the location of these files later.  Once the

conversion files have been unarchived, you may delete the



Exporting Contact Information from ACT!


The first step in converting ACT! data to GoldMine is to export

contact information stored in ACT! into a "comma delimited" text

file format.


To complete this step, start the ACT! program, and Open the

database that you want to export.  Select the Export option form

the File menu; select the Delimited (Quote/Comma) option.   ACT!

will display a directory box where you can select a file to

export the data into.  press the ESC key, and enter a filename in

the File: field, such as




Remember the name and directory location of the file that you

enter here, you will need the information again.  Press ENTER.


ACT! will display a window prompting you if user fields should

also be exported.  Select Yes.


ACT! will then export all of the contact records in the active

database into the file you specified in the previous step.


Exporting Contact Notes and History from ACT!


After exporting the contact information from ACT!, the notes and

history must be exported into a separate file.  The ACT!-to-

GoldMine conversion archive file contains an ACT! user defined

report which will extract the notes and history for each contact

record in ACT!.


To extract the notes and history for each record in the contact

database, select the User Defined option from the Report menu.

ACT! will display a directory window where you can select the user

defined report to process.  Press the ESC key and enter the

location of the ACT2GOLD.RPT file, such as




(NOTE: You may need to copy ACT2GOLD.RPT to your ACT! Report Directory

 before proceeding, ie: COPY A:\ACT2GOLD.RPT C:\ACT\REPORT)


ACT! will compile the report and prompt you to select an output

destination.  Select the Disk File option.  ACT! will then display

a directory box so you may enter the name and location of the

text file to create when the report is generated.  Again, press

the ESC key and enter a unique name of the output file, such as




Next, you will be prompted to select the printer format to use.

Select the ASCII option.  Select the OK option in the Print

Session Options window.  Finally, select the All records option,

and ACT! will generate the report, saving the output to the file

entered previously.


Importing Contact Data into GoldMine


Now that all of your data has been exported from ACT!, the next

step is to begin importing the data into GoldMine.  Start

GoldMine and use the Util/Select Contact File (uS) option to

select the contact database that you want to import your ACT! data

into.  Pay attention to the drive and directory that the database

has been installed in, as this information is needed later on.


Next, select the Import/Export/Transfer (uI) option from the Util

menu, and select the Import a Delimited ASCII File (uiA) option

from the Import menu.  GoldMine will display a browse window

containing several predefined import profiles.  Use the UP ARROW

and DOWN ARROW keys to highlight the ACT! 2.0 Delimited File

import profile and select the Choose (uiaC) option.  GoldMine

will display a screen containing the import parameters for ACT!.


In the Import Path\Filename field, enter the drive, path, and

name of the text file containing ACT! contact information.   If you

used the example name in the previous section, then you would





in this field.  Press the F10 key.  From the Import Profile Menu,

select the Import Records option.  GoldMine will begin importing

records.  This process may take some time.


Importing Notes and History into GoldMine


Once GoldMine has completed importing the contact information,

exit GoldMine by pressing ALT-Q.  Execute the ACT2GOLD conversion

utility by entering the drive, directory, and name of the utility

on the command line.  For instance, if the utility is located on

a floppy disk in the A: drive, enter




Once the utility has been loaded, three prompts will appear on

the screen.


In the ACT! Notes ASCII File field, enter the location of the

text file created by the user defined report in the previous

step.  If you used the example file name, then you would enter




in this field.


In the GoldMine Contact Path field, enter the location of the

GoldMine contact database which ACT! contact information has been

imported into.  For example, you might enter




Finally, in Your GoldMine User Name, enter your GoldMine login

name.  All note and history records imported will be stamped with

this user name.


After you finish entering these parameter's, GoldMine will begin

importing the notes and history.  This may take some time.


When complete, you are ready to start working with your data in






  *           Trademarks are property of their respective owners.          *

  *This technical note may be copied and distributed freely as long as it*

  *is distributed in its entirety and it is not distributed for profit.  *

  *           Copyright (C) 1992 by Elan Software Corporation              *

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