Level 1 - Basics

Introduction to Word for Windows

The basics of entering text

The File, Save As command

Opening and Editing a Document

The Open command

Editing a document using the AutoCorrect feature

Previewing and printing a document

Creating a new document

Navigating in Word for Windows

Scrolling in a document

Moving the insertion point in a document

Using Word for Windows Help

Help basics

Additional Help features

Additional editing techniques

Techniques for selecting text

The Edit, Find and Replace command

Moving and copying text

Editing in Print Preview

Character Formatting

Character formats

Fonts and font sizes

Paragraph formatting

Paragraph formatting

Paragraph borders

Working with indents, numbered lists, and bulleted lists

Line breaks and line spacing

Introduction to Tabs and Tables



Using the AutoFormat command to format a table

Controlling Page Appearance

Headers and footers


Page breaks

Proofing Tools

Using the spelling checker

Using the thesaurus

Using the grammar checker

Inserting Files and Graphics

Inserting files

Insert graphics