Introduction to Microcomputers for Managers
Presented in a lecture/hands-on format, this course gives managers a clear insight into using the microcomputer in the work environment. The continuum of learning goes from "Why micros have found their way into the work place," to "What are the most popular software packages, and which are best suited for your applications." Actual hands-on sessions with the IBM PC include learning DOS, Lotus 1-2-3, dBase III, WordPerfect, EnerGraphics, and demonstrations of other programs. Many other topics are covered, such as standardization, ergonomics and networks. Computer terminology is explained in the context of the course. More than 60% of the course is hands-on use of microcomputers.
Learning Objectives: After completing the course, a participant will be able to:
* Identify benefits of microcomputers in the work environment;
* Understand the principles of microcomputer use;
* Understand guidelines for data file management, file back-up
and diskette care;
* Start up a microcomputer using DOS, and run the application
programs Lotus 1-2-3, dBase III, WordPerfect, and Energraphics;
* Understand the differences among software packages, uses and
applications, and commands for each;
* Understand current microcomputer terminology;
* Understand the concepts and benefits of computer networks.
Target Audience: This course is useful for professional and managerial personnel who will be supervising personal computer users
and applications.