Hopewell Township
Q&A.jpg (1273 bytes) Q&A to Access

From Symantec Q&A

To Microsoft Access

Flat file "spreadsheet" table database for DOS

Fully relational database using Windows

We converted a Q&A database to Access for the Hopewell Township in New Jersey.  This was a challenging project because their Q&A database had over 1000 fields.  We organized them in to 15 tables so they could fit the 254 field per table limitation of Microsoft Access.  This also made the database more organized and relational.  After converting the database, our instructor went to their office in New Jersey to give the staff training on the new system.

Screen Shots

Project Phases

0 Proposal Phase
Send references
Get New Jersey Business Certificate
Estimate of expenses
Purchase Order

1 Data conversion of information from Q&A format in to Microsoft Access

2 Training and Needs Assessment Meeting

Invoice receipts

3 Make database relational, the process of Normalization, refinement of fields, design of working prototype of interface for users


Purchase Orders:  $1500 and $4000 = $5500
Actual Expense: $1440, $1200, and $2000 = $4650
Under Budget available for Contingencies: $850

Block & Lot database split in to logical, relational tables


Hopewell Township

Q&A Conversions

Access Training

C I Corporation