LABEL FIELD TYPE LEN NUM CODE DESCRIPTION 2nd Phone PHONE2 Char 42 74 CF_Phone2 Second contact's phone number. 2nd Phone Ext. PHONE2_EXT Char 8 83 CF_Phone2Ext Extension for the second contact's phone number. 2nd Title TITLE2 Char 50 73 CF_Title2 Second contact's title. 3rd Contact NAME3 Char 50 75 CF_Name3 Third contact's name. 3rd Last Reach ALT2REACH Char 8 93 CF_Alt2Reach Date of the last completed call to the third contact. The format is YYYYMMDD. This field is supplied by the system. (not displayed unless added in the Layout Designer) 3rd Phone PHONE3 Char 42 77 CF_Phone3 Third contact's phone number. 3rd Phone Ext. PHONE3_EXT Char 8 84 CF_Phone3Ext Extension for the third contact's phone number. ("Ext." displays) 3rd Title TITLE3 Char 50 76 CF_Title3 Third contact's title. Address 1 ADDR1 Char 50 27 CF_Address1 First line of the contact's primary address. ("Address" displays) Address 2 ADDR2 Char 30 28 CF_Address2 Second line of the contact's primary address. (label is not displayed) Address 3 ADDR3 Char 30 29 CF_Address3 Third line of the contact's primary address. (label is not displayed) Alt Phone ALTPHONE Char 42 71 CF_AltPhone Contact's alternate phone number. Alt Phone Ext. ALTEXT Char 8 82 CF_AltPhoneExt Extension for the contact's alternate phone number. ("Ext." displays) Assistant ASSISTANT Char 50 47 CF_Assistant Name of the contact's assistant. Asst. Phone ASST_PHONE Char 42 86 CF_AsstPhone Phone number of the contact's assistant. Asst. Phone Ext. ASST_EXT Char 8 87 CF_AsstExt Extension for the phone number of the contact's assistant. ("Ext." displays) Asst. Title ASST_TITLE Char 50 85 CF_AsstTitle Title of the contact's assistant. City CITY Char 30 30 CF_City City in the contact's address. Company COMPANY Char 50 25 CF_Company Contact's company name. Contact NAME Char 50 26 CF_Name Contact's name. Contact Type CONT_TYPE Num 1 125 CF_ContactType Contact record type.Values are: blank, 0, or 1 for normal 2 for "My Record" Country COUNTRY Char 25 33 CF_Country Country in the contact's address. Create Timestamp CTIME Char 6 2 CF_CreateTimestamp Date and time the contact record was created. This field is supplied by the system and stored in a compressed format. ("Create Date" displays) Department DEPARTMENT Char 50 88 CF_Department Contact's department. Edit Timestamp ETIME Char 6 3 CF_EditTimestamp Date and time the contact record was last modified. This field is supplied by the system and stored in a compressed format. ("Edit Date" displays) Email Address Char - 200 CVF_EmailAddress The primary e-mail address for the contact. This field references the Logon field in the E-mail table for ACT! 4.0 or later databases only and is read-only. Email Carrier Char 128 203 CVF_EmailCarrier The e-mail Carrier portion of the primary e-mail address for the contact. This field references the Carrier field in the E-mail table for ACT! 3.0 databases only and is read-only. Email Logon Char - 202 CVF_EmailLogon The e-mail Logon portion of the primary e-mail address for the contact. This field references the Logon field in the E-mail table for ACT! 3.0 databases only and is read-only. Fax FAX Char 42 36 CF_Fax Contact's fax number. Fax Ext. FAX_EXT Char 8 81 CF_FaxExt Extension for the contact's fax number. (not displayed unless added in the Layout Designer) First Name FNAME Char 50 78 CF_FirstName Contact's first name. This field is parsed by the system from the contact. (not displayed unless added in the Layout Designer) Home Address 1 ALTADDR1 Char 50 65 CF_AltAddress1 First line of the contact's home address. Home Address 2 ALTADDR2 Char 30 66 CF_AltAddress2 Second line of the contact's home address. Home City ALTCITY Char 30 67 CF_AltCity City in the contact's home address. Home Country ALTCOUNTRY Char 25 70 CF_AltCountry Country in the contact's home address. Home Phone HOME_PHONE Char 42 37 CF_HomePhone Contact's home phone number. Home State ALTSTATE Char 20 68 CF_AltState State in the contact's home address. Home Zip ALTZIP Char 10 69 CF_AltZip ZIP code in the contact's home address. ID/Status IDSTATUS Char 25 34 CF_IDStatus Category assigned to the contact. Last Attempt LAST_ATMPT Char 8 43 CF_LastAttempt Date of the last attempt to call the contact. The format is YYYYMMDD. This field is supplied by the system. Last Meeting LAST_MEET Char 8 41 CF_LastMeet Date of the last meeting with the contact. The format is YYYYMMDD. This field is supplied by the system. Last Name LNAME Char 50 79 CF_LastName Contact's last name. This field is parsed by the system from the contact name. (not displayed unless added in the Layout Designer) Last Reach LAST_REACH Char 8 42 CF_LastReach Date of the last completed call to the contact. The format is YYYYMMDD. This field is supplied by the system. Last Results LAST_RSLTS Char 75 48 CF_LastResults Comments on the last results with the contact. Letter Date LTTR_DATE Char 8 44 CF_LetterDate Date of the last letter sent to the contact. The format is YYYYMMDD. This field is supplied by the system. Merge Timestamp MTIME Char 6 4 CF_MergeTimestamp Date and time the contact record was imported into ACT! or synchronized with another ACT! database. This field is supplied by the system and stored in a compressed format. ("Merge Date" displays) Mobile Phone MOBILPHONE Char 42 38 CF_MobilePhone Contact's mobile phone number. Note Char - 201 CVF_Note This field is obsolete and is supplied for backward-compatibility with ACT! 2.0 databases. Owner OWNER Char 50 91 CF_UsersCompany The company name of the database user who created the contact record. (not displayed unless added in the Layout Designer) Pager PAGER Char 42 39 CF_Pager Contact's pager number. Phone PHONE Char 42 35 CF_Phone Contact's primary phone number. Phone Ext. EXT Char 8 80 CF_Ext Extension for the contact's primary phone number. ("Ext." displays) Public/Private PUB_STATUS Num 1 5 CF_PublicPrivate Access level for the contact.Values are: 1 Public (default) 2 Private Record Creator CREATOR Char 50 90 CF_Creator The database user who created the contact record. This field is supplied by the system. Record Manager USER Char 12 6 CF_RecordManager The Unique ID of the database user permitted to access and change the status of private contacts. This field is supplied by the system. Referred By REFER_BY Char 30 49 CF_ReferredBy Description of the contact's referral source. Salutation SALUTATION Char 30 40 CF_Salutation Contact's letter salutation or greeting name. Spouse SPOUSE Char 50 89 CF_Spouse Name of the contact's spouse. State STATE Char 20 31 CF_State State in the contact's address. Ticker Symbol TICKERSYM Char 12 95 CF_TickerSymbol Company's stock ticker symbol for ACT! 4.0 or later databases only. Title TITLE Char 50 46 CF_Title Contact's title. Unique Id UNIQUE_ID Char 12 1 CF_UniqueID Unique contact record identification number. This field is supplied by the system. User 1 USER1 Char 50 50 CF_User1 User-definable field 1. User 2 USER2 Char 50 51 CF_User2 User-definable field 2. User 3 USER3 Char 50 52 CF_User3 User-definable field 3. User 4 USER4 Char 50 53 CF_User4 User-definable field 4. User 5 USER5 Char 50 54 CF_User5 User-definable field 5. User 6 USER6 Char 50 55 CF_User6 User-definable field 6. User 7 USER7 Char 75 56 CF_User7 User-definable field 7. User 8 USER8 Char 75 57 CF_User8 User-definable field 8. User 9 USER9 Char 75 58 CF_User9 User-definable field 9. User 10 USER10 Char 50 59 CF_User10 User-definable field 10. User 11 USER11 Char 50 60 CF_User11 User-definable field 11. User 12 USER12 Char 50 61 CF_User12 User-definable field 12. User 13 USER13 Char 50 62 CF_User13 User-definable field 13. User 14 USER14 Char 50 63 CF_User14 User-definable field 14. User 15 USER15 Char 50 64 CF_User15 User-definable field 15. Web Site URL Char 75 94 CF_URL Contact's web site URL address. Zip ZIP Char 10 32 CF_Zip ZIP code in the contact's address. Birth date BIRTHDAY Char 8 98 CF_BIRTHDAY Stores the birthdate of a contact as an annual event. The format is: YYYYMMDD. Only available in new ACT! 6.0 databases. SALES Amount SAMOUNT Num 19 34 SLF_Amount The total amount for the sale, stored with 5 digits to the right of the decimal point. Competitors Char 100 202 SLVF_Competitors Name of the main competitor for the sale. This field is retrieved from the List table and is read-only. Contact CONTACTID Char 12 25 SLF_ContactId The Unique ID of the contact record with which the sales record is associated. This field is supplied by the system. Create Timestamp CTIME Char 6 2 SLF_CreateTime Date and time the record was created. This field is supplied by the system and stored in a compressed format. Creation Date STARTDATE Char 8 35 SLF_SaleStartDate Date on which the sales forecast was created. The format is YYYYMMDD. Details NOTES Char 6 36 SLF_Notes Description of the sale or sales opportunity. This 6-byte field is supplied by the system and contains a reference to a field in the Binary Large Object (BLOB) Database file that contains a maximum of 32768 characters. Edit Timestamp ETIME Char 6 3 SLF_EditTime Date and time the record was last modified. The initial value is the date and time the record was created. This field is supplied by the system and stored in a compressed format. Forecasted close SDATE Char 8 31 SLF_SaleDate Forecasted or actual close date for the sale. The format is YYYYMMDD. Group GROUPID Char 12 26 SLF_GroupId The Unique ID of the group record with which the sales record is associated. This field is supplied by the system. Main Competitor COMPETID Char 12 37 SLF_CompetitorsId The Unique ID of the main competitor for the sale. This field is supplied by the system and references a competitor stored in the List table. Merge Timestamp MTIME Char 6 4 SLF_MergeTime Date and time the record was imported into ACT! or synchronized with another ACT! database. This field is supplied by the system and stored in a compressed format. Price SPRICE Num 19 33 SLF_UnitPrice The price per unit, stored with 5 digits to the right of the decimal point. Probability PROBABIL Num 4 30 SLF_Probability Probability of making the sale as a percentage from 0 to 100. Product Id PRODID Char 12 28 SLF_ProductId The Unique ID for the name of the product. This field is supplied by the system. ProductName PRODUCT Char 100 200 SLVF_ProductName Name of the product for the sale. This field is retrieved from the List table and is read-only. Reason REASON Char 65 38 SLF_Reason Reason that the sale was closed/won or lost. Record Manager USER Char 12 6 SLF_UserId The Unique ID of the Record Manager for the sale. This field is supplied by the system. Sales Stage SALESSTAGE Char 40 39 SLF_SalesStage Stage of the sale in the sales process (New Opportunity, Pre-Approach, and so on). Status SLSTATUS Num 1 27 SLF_Status Status of the sale.Values are: 0 Sales opportunity 1 Closed/Won Sale 2 Lost Sale Type SLTYPE Char 12 29 SLF_TypeId The Unique ID of the type for the sale. This field is supplied by the system and references a type stored in the List table. TypeName SLTYPENAME Char 100 201 SLVF_TypeName Name of the product type for the sale. This field is retrieved from the List table and is read-only. Unique Id UNIQUE_ID Char 12 1 SLF_UniqueID Unique sales record identification number. This field is supplied by the system. Units SUNITS Num 14 32 SLF_Units Number of units sold or expected to sell. ACTIVITY Alarm Status ALRMSTATUS Num 1 33 AF_AlarmStatus Alarm status for the activity. Values are: 0 Alarm is set to off 1 Alarm is set to on Banner Color BANNER_CLR Num 10 34 AF_BannerColor Code for the activity color. Default values are: Black - Low-priority Blue - Medium-priority Red - High-priority Cleared Status CLEARED Num 1 41 AF_ClearedStatus Specifies if the activity was cleared. Values are: Blank - Not cleared 1 - Cleared Contact Count CONT_CNT Num 6 100 AF_TotalInActivity Total number of contacts with whom the activity is scheduled. This field is supplied by the system. Create Timestamp CTIME Char 6 2 AF_CreateTimestamp Date and time the activity record was created. This field is supplied by the system and stored in a compressed format. Date/Time START_TIME Char 12 28 AF_StartTime Start date and time of the activity. ("Date" and "Time" display) The format displays in the table as YYYYMMDDHHMM. To set this field, use a standard date variable. The default is the current system date and time. Details DETAILS Char 6 45 AF_Details Contains a description of the details associated with the activity for ACT! 5.0 or later databases only. This 6-byte field is supplied by the system and contains a reference to a field in the Binary Large Object Database file Maximum of 32768 characters. Duration DURATION Num 10 30 AF_Duration Duration of the activity in minutes. Edit Timestamp ETIME Char 6 3 AF_EditTimestamp Date and time the activity record was last modified. The initial value is the date and time the activity record was created. This field is supplied by the system and stored in a compressed format. E-mail Status EML_STATUS Num 1 35 AF_EmailStatus Specifies if an e-mail reminder will be sent for the activity. Values are: 0 No reminder will be sent 1 A reminder will be sent End Time END_TIME Char 12 29 AF_EndTime Calculated end date and time for the activity. The format is YYYYMMDDHHMM. This field is supplied by the system. Exception Date EXCEPTDATE Char 12 44 AF_ExceptionDate Original date of an exception instance of a recurring activity. The format is YYYYMMDDHHMM. External Id EXTERNID Char 48 47 AF_ExternalId Contains the record ID of an activity record in an external database (Outlook) in ACT! 5.0 or later databases only. Group GROUPID Char 12 39 AF_GroupId The Unique ID of the group record to which the activity record is associated. This field is supplied by the system. Lead Time LEAD_TIME Num 10 32 AF_LeadTime Advance notice for the activity alarm in minutes. The default lead time for the activity is used if the alarm is not set. Merge Timestamp MTIME Char 6 4 AF_MergeTimestamp Date and time the activity record was imported into ACT! or synchronized with another ACT! database. This field is supplied by the system and stored in a compressed format. Priority PRIORITY Num 1 26 AF_Priority Priority of the activity. Values are: 0 High 1 Medium 2 Low Public/Private PUB_STATUS Num 1 5 AF_PublicPrivate Specifies if the activity is public or private.Values are: 1 Public 2 Private Record Status RECSTATUS Num 2 46 AF_RecordStatus Specifies if the record was imported from or exported to an external database (Outlook), in ACT! 5.0 or later databases only. Recurring Exceptions EXCEPTIONS Char 6 43 AF_Exceptions A list of dates for exception instances of a recurring activity. This 6-byte field is supplied by the system and contains a reference to data stored in the Binary Large Object Database file. Recurring Id RECURID Char 12 42 AF_RecurringId For recurring activities, contains the unique Recurring Identifier of the parent activity if this instance of the recurring activity has been changed. Otherwise this field is blank. This field is supplied by the system. Recurring Map RECURRING Char 18 36 AF_Recurring Recurring activity settings of: once (default), daily, weekly, monthly, or custom. Regarding REAGARDING Char 70 27 AF_Regarding Description of the activity Scheduled By SCHEDL_BY Char 12 38 AF_ScheduledBy User ID of the database user who scheduled the activity. The default is the logged-on user. This field is supplied by the system. Scheduled Date SCHDLDATE Char 8 200 AVF_ScheduledDate Date portion of the date and time for which the activity is scheduled. The format is YYYYMMDD. This field references the Date/Time field and is read-only. Scheduled For SCHEDL_FOR Char 12 37 AF_ScheduledFor User ID of the database user for whom the activity is scheduled. The default is the logged-on user. This field is supplied by the system. Scheduled Time SCHDLTIME Char 4 201 AVF_ScheduledTime Time portion of the date and time for which the activity is scheduled. The format is HHMM. This field references the Date/Time field and is read-only. Scheduled With SCHEDLWITH Char 12 40 AF_FirstScheduledWith User ID of the contact displayed in the Calendar, Activities tab, and Task List for the activity. This field is supplied by the system. Timeless Status TM_STATUS Num 1 31 AF_TimelessStatus Timeless status for the start time of the activity.Values are: 0 Not timeless 1 Timeless Total Duration TDURATION Num 6 101 AF_TotalDuration Total number of minutes from the start time of the first instance of the activity to the ending time of the last instance of the activity, minus one minute. Type TYPE Num 2 25 AF_Type Activity record type.Values are: 0 Call 1 Meeting 2 To-do Unique Id UNIQUE_ID Char 12 1 AF_UniqueID Unique activity record identification number. This field is supplied by the system. DDB CreateTimestamp CTIME Char 6 2 LTF_CreateTime Date and time the list record was created. This field is supplied by the system and stored in a compressed format. Directory Name DIRNAME Char 100 26 LTF_Name Stores a drop-down list entry for a Product, Type or Main Competitor field referenced by a Unique ID in the Sales table. Directory Type DIRTYPE Num 2 25 LTF_Type Associates the Directory Name with one of three specific fields referenced by a Unique ID in the Sales table.Values are: 1 Product, 2 Type, 3 Main Competitor Edit Timestamp ETIME Char 6 3 LTF_EditTime Date and time the list record was last modified. The initial value is the date and time the record was created. This field is supplied by the system and stored in a compressed format. Merge Timestamp MTIME Char 6 4 LTF_MergeTime Date and time the list record was imported into ACT! or synchronized with another ACT! database. This field is supplied by the system and stored in a compressed format. Record Manager USER Char 12 6 LTF_UserId Unique ID of the database user who created the list record. This field is supplied by the system. Unique Id UNIQUE_ID Char 12 1 LTF_UniqueID Unique list record identification number. This field is supplied by the system. EMAIL Contact CONTACTID Char 12 28 EF_ContactId The Unique ID of the contact record with which the e-mail record is associated. This field is supplied by the system. Create Timestamp CTIME Char 6 2 EF_CreateTimestamp Date and time the e-mail record was created. This field is supplied by the system and stored in a compressed format. Edit Timestamp ETIME Char 6 3 EF_EditTimestamp Date and time the e-mail record was last modified. The initial value is the date and time the e-mail record was created. This field is supplied by the system and stored in a compressed format. Logon LOGON Char 6 25 EF_Logon The e-mail address. This 6-byte field is supplied by the system and contains a reference to the Binary Large Object Database file. Carrier CARRIER Char 128 26 EF_Carrier The e-mail system for the e-mail address in this record. This field is blank in ACT! 4.0 or later databases. In ACT! 4.0 or later, the e-mail system is a preference and is stored in the Windows registry. Merge Timestamp MTIME Char 6 4 EF_MergeTimestamp Date and time the e-mail record was imported into ACT! or synchronized with another ACT! database. This field is supplied by the system and stored in a compressed format. Primary Status PRM_STATUS Num 1 27 EF_PrimaryStatus E-mail record status.Values are: 0 Secondary e-mail address 1 Primary e-mail address Unique Id UNIQUE_ID Char 12 1 EF_UniqueID Unique e-mail record identification number. This field is supplied by the system. GROUP Address 1 ADDR1 Char 50 27 GF_Address1 First line of the group's address. Address 2 ADDR2 Char 30 28 GF_Address2 Second line of the group's address. Address 3 ADDR3 Char 30 29 GF_Address3 Third line of the group's address. City CITY Char 30 30 GF_City City in the group's address. Contact Count CONT_CNT Num 6 100 GF_TotalInGroup Total number of contacts in the group. Country COUNTRY Char 25 33 GF_Country Country in the group's address. Create Timestamp CTIME Char 6 2 GF_CreateTimestamp Date and time the group record was created. This field is supplied by the system and stored in a compressed format. "Create Date" displays Description DESCRPTION Char 100 40 GF_Description Description of the group. Division DIVISION Char 50 26 GF_Division Division for the group. Edit Timestamp ETIME Char 6 3 GF_EditTimestamp Date and time the group record was last modified. This field is supplied by the system and stored in a compressed format. "Edit Date" displays Group Level GRPLEVEL Num 1 56 GF_GroupLevel The level of the group (a parent group or a subgroup) for ACT! 5.0 or later databases only.Values are: 0 Parent group 1 Subgroup. Group Name GRP_NAME Char 75 25 GF_Name Name of the group. Industry INDUSTRY Char 50 58 GF_Industry Type of industry for the group for ACT!5.0 or later databases only. Merge Timestamp MTIME Char 6 4 GF_MergeTimestamp Date and time the group record was imported into ACT! or synchronized with another ACT! database. This field is supplied by the system and stored in a compressed format.("Merge Date" displays) Note Char- 200 GVF_Note This field is obsolete and is supplied for backward-compatibility with ACT! 2.0 databases. NumberEmployees EMPLOY Num 10 60 GF_Employees Number of employees in the group for ACT! 5.0 or later databases only. Parent ID PARENTID Char 12 55 GF_ParentId The Unique ID of the parent record of a subgroup record for ACT! 5.0 or later databases only. This field is supplied by the system. Parent Name Char 75 201 GVF_ParentName The group name of the parent record of a subgroup record for ACT! 5.0 or later databases only. This field is retrieved from the Parent ID field and is read-only. Priority PRIORITY Char 25 35 GF_Priority User defined description of the group's priority. Default selections are High, Medium, and Low. Public/Private PUB_STATUS Num 1 5 GF_PublicPrivate Access level for the group.Values are: 1 Public (default) 2 Private Record Creator CREATOR Char 50 54 GF_Creator The database user who created the group record. This field is supplied by the system. Record Manager USER Char 12 6 GF_RecordManager The database user permitted to access and change the status of private groups. Referred By REFER_BY Char 30 64 GF_ReferredBy Description of the group's referral source for ACT! 5.0 or later databases only. Region REGION Char 50 57 GF_Region Description of the geographic region of the group for ACT! 5.0 or later databases only. Revenue REVENUE Curr 18 61 GF_Revenue Revenue for the group for ACT! 5.0 or later databases only, stored with 5 digits to the right of the decimal point. SIC Code SICCODE Char 20 59 GF_SicCode SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) code for the group's industry for ACT! 5.0 or later databases only. State STATE Char 20 31 GF_State State in the group's address. Ticker Symbol TICKERSYM Char 12 63 GF_TickerSymbol Group's stock ticker symbol for ACT! 5.0 or later databases only. Unique Id UNIQUE_ID Char 12 1 GF_UniqueID Unique group record identification number. This field is supplied by the system. User 1 USER1 Char 50 36 GF_User1 User-definable field 1. User 2 USER2 Char 50 37 GF_User2 User-definable field 2. User 3 USER3 Char 50 38 GF_User3 User-definable field 3. User 4 USER4 Char 50 39 GF_User4 User-definable field 4. User 5 USER5 Char 50 47 GF_User5 User-definable field 5. User 6 USER6 Char 75 48 GF_User6 User-definable field 6. Web Site URL Char 75 65 GF_URL Group's web site URL address for ACT! 5.0 or later databases only. Zip ZIP Char 10 32 GF_Zip ZIP code in the group's address. REL CreateTimeStamp CTIME Char 6 Date and time the relational table database record is currently blank and reserved for future use. Edit Time Stamp ETIME Char 6 Date and time the relational table database record field is currently blank and reserved for future use. Field1 (ID) FIELD1 Char 12 For type 0 and 1 records, contains the Unique ID contact or group database associated or linked with record Unique ID in Field2(ID). For type 3 records, of the database user associated with the activity Field2(ID) of the activity, which has an alarm for the activity is scheduled. Field2 (ID) FIELD2 Char 12 Unique ID of the record in the group or activity database with the contact or group record Unique ID in Field1( Field3 (Time) TIME Char 12 The activity alarm time. The format is YYYYMMDDHHMM. Field4 (Time) TIME2 Char 12 The activity scheduled date. The format is YYYYMMDDHHMM. is blank if an alarm is not set for the activity. Type TYPE Char 1 Database relationship type number.Values are: 0 Links contact and group database records 1 Links contact and activity database records 3 Links contact database records with alarms 0 Contact Unique ID Group Unique ID Links contact and group database records 1 Contact Unique ID Activity Unique ID Links contact and activity database records 3 Contact Unique ID of the database user for whom the activity is scheduled Activity Unique ID Links contact database records with alarms HISTORY Attachment ATTACHMENT Char 6 28 NHF_Attachment The drive, folder, and filename of the attached file. This 6-byte field issupplied by the system and contains a reference to a field in the Binary Large Object Database file that contains a maximum of 25 characters. Contact CONTACTID Char 12 29 NHF_ContactId The Unique ID of the contact record with which the history, notes, or attachment record is associated. This field is supplied by the system. Create Timestamp CTIME Char 6 2 NHF_CreateTimestamp Date and time the history, notes, or attachment record was created. This field is supplied by the system and stored in a compressed format. Edit Timestamp ETIME Char 6 3 NHF_EditTimestamp Date and time the history, notes, or attachment record was last modified. The initial value is the date and time the record was created. This field is supplied by the system and stored in a compressed format. Group GROUPID Char 12 30 NHF_GroupId The Unique ID of any group record with which the history, notes, or attachment record is associated. This field is supplied by the system. Merge Timestamp MTIME Char 6 4 NHF_MergeTimestamp Date and time the history, notes, or attachment record was imported into ACT! or synchronized with another ACT! database. This field is supplied by the system and stored in a compressed format. Recorded Date Char 8 200 NHVF_RecordedDate The date portion of the User Time field. The format is YYYYMMDD. This field is retrieved from the User Time field and is read-only. Recorded Time Char 4 201 NHVF_RecordedTime The time portion of the User Time field. The format is HHMM. This field is retrieved from the User Time field and is read-only. Regarding REGARDING Char 6 26 NHF_Text Description of the history event or the attachment, or the text of the note. This 6-byte field is supplied by the system and contains a reference to a field in the Binary Large Object Database file that contains a maximum of 30,000 characters. Type TYPE Num 3 25 NHF_Type History event, note, or attachment type number. The next table shows values for the type numbers. Unique Id UNIQUE_ID Char 12 1 NHF_UniqueID Unique notes, history, or attachment record identification number. This field is supplied by the system. Record Manager USER Char 12 6 NHF_UserId The Unique ID of the database user permitted to access and change the status of private activities. This field is supplied by the system. User Time USER_TIME Char 12 27 NHF_UserTime Date and time the notes, history, or attachment record was created. The format is YYYYMMDDHHMM. A different date and time can be specified when an activity is cleared to history. The next table shows descriptions of theregarding text by type number. Call Attempted 0 Call Completed 1 Call Received 2 Field Changed 3 Access 4 Letter Sent 5 Meeting Held 6 Meeting Not Held 7 To-do Done 8 To-do Not Done 9 Timer 10 Call Erased 11 Contact Deleted 12 Update Contact 13 Update Activity 14 Delete Activity 15 E-mail Sent 16 Call Left Message 17 Fax Sent 50 Sent Sync 51 Received Sync 52 To-do Erased 54 Meeting Erased 55 Error 56 Closed/Won Sale 57 Lost Sale (for ACT! 5.0 or later) 58 Note 100 Attachment 101 E-mail (for ACT! 4.0 or later) 102