Maximizer Document Export

Here are the steps the Macros do.


As long as the Document contents are consistent, it works fine.
The trouble is with the exceptions.
It still requires some human intelligence to run the appropriate macro at
the right time.  For example, when there are no more documents, it is time
to go to the next Contact.   Sometimes doucment names like "*announce" are
not permitted as file names because of the asterisk.  The Temp would have to
remove it prior to saving.

1. Sort by Company/Organization
2. Select the top record
3. Open NotePad as the 2nd application (for Alt+Tab) as a temporary storage

Macro Steps
1. Copy the Contact Company name
Enter, Tab, Tab, Tab, Tab, Tab, Tab (to company)
Ctrl+C, Enter (close dialog)
Alt+Tab (to Notepad)
Ctrl+V (paste) ,  (comma)(space)

2. Copy the Contact Last name
Enter, Tab, Tab, Tab (to Company)
Ctrl+C, Enter (close dialog)
Alt+Tab (to Notepad)
Ctrl+V (paste) ,  (comma)(space)

3. Copy the Contact First name
Enter, Tab, Tab, Tab (to Company)
Ctrl+C, Enter (close dialog)
Alt+Tab (to Notepad)
Ctrl+V (paste) ,  (comma)(space)

4. Now we have the Company and Full name in the NotePad (ex. 3M Austin
Center, Kilchin Jonathan, )
Copy the whole row down to line 2 to keep row 1 available as is for the next
document name

5. Window, Document - to make sure you are in document mode Ctrl+F5
Select the next document
Right Click, for Properties
Ctrl+C to copy the Document Name (ex. J1015-O, FF108-16)
Enter for OK to close the dialog

6. Alt+Tab to the NotePad
Paste the Document Name
Now we have the Company, Name, Document Name
(ex. 3M Austin Center, Kilchin Jonathan, J1015-O, FF108-16)

7. Prepare for the next document
Ctrl+Home, Shift+End, Ctrl+C
Ctrl+End, Ctrl+V paste (ex. 3M Austin Center, Kilchin Jonathan, )

8. Copy the Company, Name, DocumentName again
UpArrow, Home, Shift+End, Ctrl+C

9. Alt+Tab back to Maximizer

10. Select the next Document
Enter to bring it up in the Maximizer Word Processor
File Export
Ctrl+V to past ethe Company, Name, DocumentName in to the File Name: box
Enter to Save the document.
ex. 3M Austin Center, Kilchin Jonathan, J1015-O, FF108-16.rtf

11. Exit the Maximizer Word Processor
Alt+F  File, X for eXit

12. Go to the next Document (if any)


For Emails, have Outlook as the 2nd Application in the Alt+Tab
Make sure the Inbox is selected in Outlook

Start in Maximizer
1. Select the Email
2. Alt+O for Forwarding
3. Tab 6 times to get in to the contents
4. Ctrl+End to get to the bottom
5. Shift+Ctrl+Home to highlight from the bottom up
6. Shift Down arrow 5 times to start selecting from From:
7. Ctrl+C to copy
8. Esc  to get out of the Maximizer Email
9. Alt+Tab to Outlook
10. Ctrl+N for New Email
11. Tab 4 times to the contents
12. Ctrl+V to paste
13. Ctrl+Home to get to the top
14. Ctrl+Right arrow 3 times to get to the start of the To:
15. Shift+End to select
16. Ctrl+C to copy
17. Shift+Tab 4 times to the To:
18. Ctrl+V to Paste
19. Tab to the Subject:
20. Shift+Tab to the Subject and Paste
Too many exceptions with cc: bcc: etc.

Paste in to a continuous Email.TXT Notepad file
Then attach it to the ACT! record
ex. 3M Canada - OHES Laboratories, McManus, Jim.txt


Aldo's Macro Recorder 3.3.6 * REGISTERED *
Copyright 2001-2003 by Aldo Vargas -


Use the following script commands to create simple but powerful macro scripts:

{script}<code>{/script} Where valid script commands are:
{repeat <n>} Repeat the macro <n> times.
Place this command at the end of the macro.
{wait <n>} Stop the macro execution for n milliseconds.
{wait <Window Title>} Wait for an application.
{button <n> <wait> at <x>,<y>} Click mouse button
var = <expression> Assign an expression to a variable.
if <expr> then / else / end if Conditional execution.
do [[while/until] <expr>] / loop Repeat code.
MsgBox <text> Show a text.
runmacro <file> Run external macro file (in text format)
continue Stop macro script and continue executing the macro.
halt Stop macro execution.
delay <milliseconds> General delay between each command.
beep Produce a sound alert signal.
goto <label> Go to the with the label indicated. Label is a name with colon (label1:)

{setscroll on} or {setscroll off} Set Scroll Lock state
{setcapslock on} or {setcapslock off} Set Caps Lock state
{setnumlock on} or {setnumlock off} Set Num Lock state
SendKeys <keystrokes> Send special keys to a program.
SendKeys2 <keystrokes> Send special keys to a Windows program.

SetMousePos <x>,<y> Set mouse position
LeftClick <x>,<y> Left click mouse button
RightClick <x>,<y> Right click mouse button
DoubleClick <x>,<y> Double click mouse button
ClickDown <x>,<y> Click down mouse button
ClickUp <x>,<y> Click up mouse button

SetClipboard <expression> Assign an expression to clipboard.
clipboard.copy Copy selected text/object (Ctrl+C)
clipboard.cut Cut selected text/object (Ctrl+X)
clipboard.paste Paste clipboard (Ctrl+V)
clipboard.pastetext <filename> Paste the content of a text file
clipboard.clear Clear clipboard
clipboard.undo Undo (Ctrl+Z)
clipboard.selectall Select all (Ctrl+A)
clipboard.selectword Select word (Shift+Ctrl+Left)
clipboard.selectline Select line (Home+Shift+End)

AppActivate <Window Title> Set focus on an open window.
Open <file> Open a document or Windows application.
Open <file>,<parameters>,<oper> Open an application with parameters.
Shell <command> Execute a command line.
Shellandwait <file>, <param> Open a document a wait until the document is closed
PlaySound <filename> Play wave file

SaveFile <filename>, <text> Save text expression in a file
AppendFile <filename>, <text> Append text expression to a file
writeini <file>,<section>,<key>,<value> Write setting in ini file
Print <file> Print a document if Print command is available.
file.copy <source>,<destination> Copy a file or folder
file.copynew <source>,<destination> Copy only new files
file.move <source>,<destination> Move a file or folder
file.movenew <source>,<destination> Move only new files
file.update <source>,<destination> Copy only different files and make a backup of replaced files
file.rename <source>,<destination> Rename a file in the same directory
file.delete <filename>, <beforedate> Delete a file. Allows wildcard. optional <beforedate>
file.kill <filename>, <beforedate> Delete permanently a file. Allows wildcard. optional <beforedate> <filename> Open a document or Windows application.
file.print <filename> Print a document if Print command is available. <filename>, <text/expr> Save text expression in a file
file.append <filename>, <text/expr> Append text expression to a file
file.print <filename> Print a document if Print command is available.
file.attrib <filename>, <value> Change file attributes: RHSA
file.emptyrecyclebin Delete permanently items in the Recycle Bin
file.internetshortcut <file>,<url> Create internet shortcut file
file.shortcut <link>, <file> Create shortcut file
chdir <path> Change current directory
mkdir <path> Create a windows folder
rmdir <path> Remove an empty windows folder

Controlpanel.Display <N> Display Settings
Controlpanel.System <N> System Settings
Controlpanel.Software Add/Remove Programs
Controlpanel.Hardware Hardware Settings
Controlpanel.Hardwarewizard Hardware Wizard
Controlpanel.Hardwaresetup Hardware Setup
Controlpanel.Internet <N> Internet Options
Controlpanel.Keyboard <N> Keyboard Settings
Controlpanel.Modem Modem Settings
Controlpanel.Mouse Mouse Settings
Controlpanel.Sound <N> Sound and Multimedia Options
Controlpanel.Regional <N> Regional Options
Controlpanel.TimeDate <N> Date/Time Settings
Controlpanel.Odbc ODBC32 Settings
Controlpanel.Game <N> Gaming Options
Controlpanel.Telephone <N> Phone and Modem Options
Controlpanel.Accessibility <N> Accessibility Options
Controlpanel.Dialup Network and Dialup Connections
Controlpanel.Fax Fax Settings
Controlpanel.Findfast Find Fast Settings
Controlpanel.Infrared <N> Wireless Link
Controlpanel.Update Windows Update Settings
Controlpanel.Scanner Scanners and Cameras
Controlpanel.Power Power Options
Controlpanel.Network Network Settings
Controlpanel.Password Password Settings Show Control Panel
Controlpanel.Printers Show Printers
Controlpanel.RecycleBin Open Recycle Bin
Controlpanel.MyComputer Open My Computer
Controlpanel.NetworkNeighborhood Diplays the computers on your network
Controlpanel.ScheduledTasks Show scheduled tasks
Controlpanel.fonts Show installed fonts
Controlpanel.WindowsFolder Open Windows Folder
Controlpanel.SystemFolder Open Windows System folder
Controlpanel.Desktop Open Desktop directory
Controlpanel.MyDocuments Open "My Documents" folder for current user
Controlpanel.MyPictures Open "My Pictures" folder
Controlpanel.Favorites Open Favorites folder
Controlpanel.History Open History folder
Controlpanel.Recent Open Recent folder
Controlpanel.SendTo Open SendTo folder
Controlpanel.StartUp Open StartUp folder
Controlpanel.Cache Open Temporary Internet Files folder
Controlpanel.Cookies Open Cookies directory
Controlpanel.administrativetools Open Administrative Tools
Controlpanel.dialupconnections Open Network and Dial-up Connections folder

sendmail <server>,<from>,<to>,<subj>,<body>,<file> Send an email using standard SMTP server
sendemail <to>,<subject>,<body>,<file> Send an email using Microsoft Office's Outlook
emailto <to>,<subject>,<body>,<file> Prepare an email using Microsoft Office's
Outlook, but do not send.

MoveWindow <hWnd>,<x>,<y>,<w>,<h> Resize and set new position of a window
Use hWnd = FindWindow("<window title>")
or use hWnd = WindowFromMouse()
SetWindowOnTop <hWnd> Set window always visible
SetWindowNormal <hWnd> Removes the always visible state
MaximizeWindow <hWnd> Maximize Window
MinimizeWindow <hWnd> Minimize Window
RestoreWindow <hWnd> Restore Window
HideWindow <hWnd> Hide Window
ShowWindow <hWnd> Show Window
CloseWindow <hWnd> Close window *Use with caution*
SelectDesktop <number> Select virtual desktop (1-8)
Changeres <w>,<h>,<bits>,<filename> Change the screen resolution w x h.
Bits = 2, 8, 16 or 24.
if <filename> is entered, the resolution is changed

SetWindowText <hWnd>, <text> Set text to window or control *Use with caution*
setpriority <filename>,<priority> Set Windows process priority to a program.
0=Normal, 1=High, 2=Real Time, 3=Idle, 4=Kill task
shutdown <"logoff/bye/reboot/ask"> Shutdown Windows (Be careful using this command)
SetRegistry <hkey>, <section>, <val> Set value in registry. Valid hKey values:
HKey_Classes_Root, HKey_Current_User, HKey_Local_Machine
PostMsg <hWnd>,<WinMsg>,<Parm1>,<Parm2> *Use with caution*

readline(<filename>) Read next line of a file
eof() Returns if readline function found end-of-file
readfile(<filename>) Returns file content
filelen(<filename>) File length
fileexists(<filename>) File exists?
direxists(<path>) Directory exists?
getpath(<text>) Get path from a file name
shortpath(<filename>) Short path of a file (Win3.x compatible file name)
filedate(<filename>) File modification date
fileattrib(<filename>) File attributes
filecompare(<file1>,<file2>) Test if two files are different (0) or identical (-1)
getfilename(<text>) Get file name without path
getextension(<text>) Get file extension
getspecialpath(<number>) Get path for special folders of Windows
environ(<dos-variable>) Returns the value of an enviroment variable.
curdir() Current directory.
dir([<path>]) Find files in a given directory.
drivetype(<drive>) Disk drive type: 0=none, 1=diskette, 2=hd, 3=ram, 4=cd
drivename(<drive>) Disk drive name
drivesize(<drive>) Total disk drive size
drivefree(<drive>) Free space in a disk drive
findfile(<filename>,<drive>) Find a file in the disk drive

inputbox(<prompt>,<default>) Ask for a value.
askyesno(<prompt>) Ask for yes/no.
showoptions(<title>,<opts>) Show options dialog
showlist(<filename>) Show a list of options from a text file
showopen(<filter>,<title>) Show open dialog
showsave(<filter>,<title>) Show save dialog
browsefolder() Show browse folder dialog
capslock() Caps lock on?
numlock() Num lock on?
scrollock() Scroll lock on?
keystate(<key>) key state (< 0 = pressed)
iif(<value>,<true-expr>,<false-expr>) Returns true or false expression, based on value

isrunning(<filename>) Is an application running?
windowsdirectory() Windows directory
systemdirectory() Windows System directory
tempdirectory() Windows Temp directory
macropath() Macro Recorder directory
programfiles() Program Files directory
windowfrommouse() Find a window or control at mouse position. Returns hWnd.
findwindow(<window title>) Find a window by title. Returns hWnd.
iswindowminimized(hWnd) Is window minimized?
iswindowmaximized(hWnd) Is window maximized?
mousex() Returns x coord of mouse
mousey() Returns y coord of mouse
screenwidth() Screen width in pixels
screenheight() Screen height in pixels
getwindowtext(<hWnd>) Returns text of a window or control.
readini(<file>, <section>, <key>) Get value from ini file.
getregistry(<hkey>, <section>, <key>) Get value from registry. Valid hKey values:
HKey_Classes_Root, HKey_Current_User, HKey_Local_Machine
clsidexists(<section>,<key>) Returns if an specified component is registered in windows
findclass(<text>) Returns the hWnd of a window class
classname(<value>) Returns the class name of a hWnd
activewindow() Returns the hWnd of the window that has the focus
iswindowvisible(<hWnd>) Returns if a window is visible
iswindowmaximized(<hWnd>) Returns if a window is maximized
iswindowminimized(<hWnd>) Returns if a window is minimized

computername() Computer name
username() Current Windows user
ip(<host name>) Returns IP address of a host name. Requires a DNS.
host(<ip address>) Returns host name from an IP address. Requires a DNS.
ping(<address>) Returns the response time
geturl(<url>) Download file
isconnectedtointernet() Returns if the computer is connected to the network

instr(<start>, <txt>, <sub>) Find position of a subtext within a text, left to right (case insensitive)
instrrev(<txt>, <sub>) Find position of a subtext within a text, right to left (case sensitive)
instrb(<start>, <txt>, <sub>) Find position of a subtext within a text, left to right (case sensitive)
mid(<text>,<start>,<length>) Returns a substring
left(<text>,<length>) Returns left part of a string
right(<text>,<length>) Returns right part of a string
replacetext(<txt>,<value>,<new>) Replace text value
replacelike(<txt>,<value>,<new>) Replace text value using pattern
format(<expression>,<mask>) Format an expression. Example: format(1000, "#,##0.00") = 1,000.00
len(<text>) Length of text.
trim(<text>) Remove trailing spaces from text.
ltrim(<text>) Remove left spaces from text.
rtrim(<text>) Remove right spaces from text.
ucase(<text>) Returns text converted to upper case.
lcase(<text>) Returns text converted to lower case.
isnumeric(<expression>) Is the expression numeric?
val(<expression>) Returns value of a text.
chr(<value>) ASCII character
asc(<value>) ASCII value of a character
space(<length>) Returns a string with specified number spaces.
getnextline(<start>,<text>) Returns line and next start pointer.
strcomp(<value1>,<value2>) Compare two strings. Returns: v1 = v2 -> 0, v1 < v2 -> -1, v1 > v2 -> 1
clipboard() Returns current text in clipboard (if any).
empty() Returns empty string.
csv(<txt>,<value>) Returns the Nth element in a line formated as comma separated value
str(<value>) Returns value as string
text2url(<value>) Returns an encoded url text
url2text(<value>) Returns a decoded url text

isdate(<expression>) Is the expression a date?
day(<date>) Day of a given date.
month(<date>) Month of a given date.
year(<date>) Year of a given date.
weekday(<date>) Day of week of a given date.
hour(<date>) Hour of a given time.
minute(<date>) Minute of a given time.
second(<date>) Seconds of a given time.
date() Current date.
time() Current time.
timer() Current time in seconds from 12:00am.
now() Current date and time.

eval(<value>) Evaluate a string expression. Example: eval("5+2")
rnd(<value>) Random number.
int(<value>) Integer value. No decimals.
hex(<value>) Hexadecimal
oct(<value>) Octal
abs(<value>) Absolute value. Returns positive value
sgn(<value>) Sign of value. -1, 0, 1
sqr(<value>) Square root
exp(<value>) Exponential e^x
log(<value>) Logarithm base e
sin(<value>) Sine
cos(<value>) Cosine
tan(<value>) Tangent
sec(<value>) Secant
cosec(<value>) CoSecant
cotan(<value>) Cotangent
arcsin(<value>) Arc Sine
arccos(<value>) Arc Cosine
arcsec(<value>) Arc Secant
atn(<value>) Arc tangent
arccosec(<value>) Arc Cosecant
arccotan(<value>) Arc Cotangent
hsin(<value>) Hyperbolic Sine
hcos(<value>) Hyperbolic Cosine
htan(<value>) Hyperbolic Tangent
hsec(<value>) Hyperbolic Secant
hcosec(<value>) Hyperbolic Cosecant
hcotan(<value>) Hyperbolic Cotangent
harcsin(<value>) Hyperbolic Arc Sine
harccos(<value>) Hyperbolic Arc Cosine
harctan(<value>) Hyperbolic Arc Tangent
harcsec(<value>) Hyperbolic Arc Cotangent
harccosec(<value>) Hyperbolic Arc
harccotan(<value>) Hyperbolic