Comma Separated Values

The Comma Separated Value file is actually Comma and Quote Separated Value format.   Quotes are included around a field that may possibly contain a comma, such as a name "Joe Smith, Jr." or an address "1000 K Street, NW" so that computer programs know where one field stops and the next one begins.

CSV files are sometimes misinterpreted as Microsoft Excel files.   This is because Excel can readily read them, and may display its icon on all CSV files.  But CSV files are simply ASCII text files.  CSV is one of the most popular data formats, able to be read by many software programs.

Word Wrap

You can turn On and Off the Word Wrap, while Viewing the CSV file with Edit, Preferences.

Word Wrap On


Word Wrap Off


You can specify that the DNC Marker is Before, After, or Replacing the Phone number

