NOTE: Please back up your database before performing any special operations
* Note that the asterisk means that this line is just a comment, rather than a command to do an operation
* Special Operation - to add DNC
mark to the end of the Name wait window 'Doing Special Op' +str(recno()) nowait replace Name with trim(Name) +cMarkDNC |
* Special Operation - to replace
Addr3 field with DNC replace Addr3 with cMarkDNC |
* Special Operation - to remove
all DNC marking wait window 'doing Special Op' +str(recno()) nowait replace Phone with strtran(Phone, cMarkDNC, '') replace Fax with strtran(Fax, cMarkDNC, '') replace Home_Phone with strtran(Home_Phone,cMarkDNC, '') replace MobilPhone with strtran(MobilPhone,cMarkDNC, '') replace Pager with strtran(Pager, cMarkDNC, '') replace AltPhone with strtran(AltPhone, cMarkDNC, '') replace Phone2 with strtran(Phone2, cMarkDNC, '') replace Phone3 with strtran(Phone3, cMarkDNC, '')