Lecture: 14 Habits for Overcoming Poverty

(Time honored secrets to win the individual poverty war)
by Dr. S.L. Woodard, Professor of Education, Howard University

While persons with different political perspectives point fingers at each other about reasons for poverty, a survey has reported that more children are improvished in America than any other industrialized nation. Meanwhile, what hopeful prescription can be written to help the individual who wants to recover from the dis-ease of poverty?

This thought provoking lecture is by an African American who rose from poverty -- orphaned at age six (father passed when S.L. was two) -- to live the American dream. His radical position is that individuals can win the war against poverty, but certain apparently secret habits are required. The key is not simply high I.Q., as implied in The Bell Curve.

Take advantage of one rare and unique opportunity for colleges, think tanks, foundations, corporations, or other organizations seeking to better understand this important problem. A first step is to break the conspiracy of silence.

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