Personal Version /Evaluation CD Order Form
Email the Form, or Fax to: 877-727-9070


Your Name:Phone Number:
E-Mail : Fax Number:
Organization Name:
City: State: Postal code:

Web site (if available):

2. SalesLogix Personal Version CD. # required[]@$15.00 each TOTAL [$]
You CD's will be Forwarded by mail ASAP to the address below, we will confirm
your order by e-mail and also provide a receipt. 

3. PAYMENT INFORMATION: Simply check the appropriate payment method and fill in 
   below.  Remember to enter your expiration date!
 Card Number:    Expiration: 
	Name on Card: 
Check Payable to C I Corporation
4. How did you hear about us? 
5. Please tell us a bit about your Sales Automation Project, to better serve your needs.