Q: Can I run Q&A on my Windows 7 server?
A: Q&A runs fine up to Windows Server 2003 R2 and Windows 6 (Vista). See Version trial
A: Another technique is to run vDOS (Virtual Disk Operationg System) which creates a DOS Window, even in 64 bit Windows, for Q&A to run, as if it is running DOS. See Setup
Numbering the records automatically in Mass Update
Each new database starts with 1.
Tip: Recover DTF to ensure that @nmb starts off at 1
Adjust the F0001 name to F0403 in Excel
Q: How to get more than one person using Q&A at the same time?
A: File, Design, Security, Declare Sharing Mode
Q: How can I automate tasks in Q&A?
A: You can press Shift+F2 to creat macros which automate keystrokes