Java Programming Help

To make an HTTP request in JavaScxript, you can use the 'XMLHttpRequest' object, or the more modern 'fetch' function. 

How to use 'fetch()' to make a GET request to retrieve some data from a server, then wait for the server to respond with some data.  When the data is received it is parsed as JSON and passed to the callback function where you can use it in your code.

    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(data => {
        // do stuff


    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(data => {
        // do stuff with weather data

Then loop through data and place them in a web site for temperature, wind, precipitation, etc.
Loop through the data from API response and display with the looping construct such as 'for' loop or a 'map()' function to iterate over the data and extract relevant values. Then use DOM API to create and insert elements into web site, and set content to extracted values from API response.

    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(data => {
        // loop through the data, extract values to display
    for (const weather of ;
        const temperature =weather.temperature;
        const windSpeed =weather.windSpeed;
        const precipitation =weather.precipitation;
        // ...

        // Create and insert elements into the website
        const temperatureElement = document.createElement('p');
        temperatureElement.textContent ='Temperature: