OC192 - How Fast Is It?
Optical Cable 192 Fiber Technology

Megabits per second Seconds Minutes Hours
OC-192         10,000,000,000                                 1                          0.02              0.00
OC-48          2,400,000,000                                 4                          0.07              0.00
OC-12               62,000,000                             161                          2.69              0.04
T3                 4,500,000                          2,222                        37.04              0.62
T1                 1,500,000                          6,667                       111.11              1.85
DSL                    384,000                         26,042                       434.03              7.23
DialUp                     58,000                       172,414                    2,873.56            47.89

10,000,000,000 bits is about 1 Gigabyte per second,
assuming 8 bits per byte plus a start and stop bit for error correction
for a total of 10 bytes for every character of text.
That is more than the contents of a CD per second.

An encyclopedia takes up about 1 Gigabyte

What our Data Center can send or receive in 1 second
it would take 1.85 hours through a T1,
and over 47 hours by dialup.

Of course, the time to download will depend on the speed of the computer
that is doing the downloading.  But any slowdown won't be on our end.
Your web site will come up as fast as can be.


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