Top Doctors in Washington DC
Updated for 2010

from the
Washingtonian Magazine

We converted the format of the information
from the annual Washingtonian list and put it in to
Excel database format

City, State Zip
Phone number (s)
Hospital affiliation
Other information

Order only $59 for 1200 records
(less than 5 cents per record)

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Field Use Analysis:
 # Field Type    Max/Length Used Example Graphical Used/Width
 1 NAME        C  38/ 50 1853 Rafat A. Abbasimore. ======================================------------
 2 SPECIALTY   C  50/ 50 1853 Infertility ==================================================
 3 OFFICE1     C  18/ 50 1849 Arlington ==================--------------------------------
 4 STREET1     C  38/ 50 1848 1635 N. George Mason ======================================------------
 5 STREET1A    C  10/ 50   77 1160 Varnu ==========----------------------------------------
 6 CITYSTZIP1  C  28/ 50 1849 Arlington, VA 22205 ============================----------------------
 7 TELEPHONE1  C  13/ 50 1848 (703)525-8013 =============-------------------------------------
 8 OFFICE2     C  18/ 50  544 Bethesda ==================--------------------------------
 9 STREET2     C  42/ 50  540 10215 Fernwood Rd. ==========================================--------
10 STREET2A    C  10/ 50   75 # 301A ==========----------------------------------------
11 CITYSTZIP2  C  28/ 50  540 Bethesda, MD 20817 ============================----------------------
12 TELEPHONE2  C  13/ 50 1848 (703)525-8013 =============-------------------------------------
13 OFFICE3     C  18/ 50  543 Bethesda ==================--------------------------------
14 STREET3     C  39/ 50  127 2440 M St., NW =======================================-----------
15 STREET3A    C  10/ 50   23 #401 ==========----------------------------------------
16 CITYSTZIP3  C  28/ 50  127 Downtown DC, DC 2003 ============================----------------------
17 TELEPHONE3  C  13/ 50 1848 (703)525-8013 =============-------------------------------------
18 HOSPITAL    C  27/ 50 1586 SUB, VHC ===========================-----------------------
19 INSURANCE   C  30/ 50 1658 Aetna, CareFirst BC ==============================--------------------
20 INFORMATIO  C 198/250  859 in-vitro fertilization