Format of .STR file        
From the mailinglist (by Lew Bastian, Feb. 7, 2001)

The .STR file holds the structural information about the users database.
It is a DataPerfect "text" file. The others are:
DP.SYS, which holds the system menus and word phrases.
The .TXX file, which holds the data stored in all user text fields.
The temporary text file TX{{dddd.TMP, which holds temporary record data 
during record create/edit operations and report execution.A text file is organized into subblocks that are 32 bytes in size.
Most pointers within a text file are 3 bytes long.
The first 32 bytes (block 0) holds standard WP header data.
Available space in the text file is organized into chains.
Blocks 1 & 2, 64 bytes, hold a list of 21 3-byte block numbers.
The i-th entry in this list is the root of the chain of block groups of 
length i. The last chain holds all groups bigger than 20 blocks.
Each block group has 4 bytes of overhead when allocated.
The second 2-byte field holds the actual record length in bytes.
The first 2-byte field holds the # of blocks in the immediately 
preceding group, whether allocated or not. This is used to coalesce 
groups as they are freed.
When free, the 2nd field is 0, and the 3rd 2-byte field holds length in 
blocks. Then next 6 bytes form two 3-byte pointers, pointing to the next 
and the previous block groups in the free space chain.
A text file is initialized by clearing the first 3 blocks to 0.

Now for the particulars of the .STR file.

Text block #3 - 57 bytes - in structure file .STR has following format:

"First 5 bytes as usual:" 2 bytes for the number of 32 byte blocks in the 
preceding block group, 2 bytes for remaining length in bytes, and 1 byte, 
the fifth byte, is used as a counter for # of users in report setup 
-- this is the byte at offset 100 of the file using 0-origin arithmetic. 
It will always be 0 when the .STR file is not in use.

Continuing to use 0 origin arithmetic the first byte is byte 0, not 1,)
here is the meaning of the sequence of 3-byte pointers that come next. In
each case the description is of the area pointed to.

5 - not used.
ptr1-menu1, ptr2-panel.list, others available.
8 - a block holding 4 3-byte pointers to 256-byte printer maps.

11 - Constant areas:
5. month abreviations.
6. defaults for colors, computationals, dates & times.
15-btes allocated, 13 used for: colors1-4, menu.edit.color,
period, comma,
ymd, hms, line0, date0type, autohelp, report.display.on/off.
7. userID panel#.
14 - List of pointers to panels.
17 - passwords, etc..
1. definer password.
2. supervisor password.
3. user password
20 - reserved for global macros - never implemented.
23 - List of pointers to reports.
26 - variables - never implemented
29 - transaction journal filename.
32 - developer banner.
35 - 510 byte block:
Bytes 2-299 hold the three-byte hot list blk#'s for panels 1-99.
These are lists used to rapidly propagate computational interactions.

THE FOLLOWING WILL BE CLEANED UP LATER. I just wanted to post this quickly.
Formula definitions:
Formulas have a two byte length - just as other text fields
The formula consists of types, value specifiers and operators
The formula types are 1 - Value, 2 Range, 3 Formula, 4 Table
If the type is value, then the data value follows
If type is range, then two data values follow
If type is formula, a 3-byte pointer to the formula code follows,
then a 3-byte pointer to the source text
If the type is table, ?? -- not used.
Value specifiers are followed by bytes
140 - character string <1+lnth>
142 - date <2>, 143 - text <3>,
144 - number <4>, 148 - number <8>,
130 - case value CV
131 - 2-byte report variable specifier
132 - field path string
the field path string starts with a length byte, then has pairs of bytes
panel-field, panel-field, ...

operators 8-33 are unary, 8-29 return a #, 30-33 return T/F
34-55 are binary, 34-49 return a #, 50-55 return T/F
the operators are
6 - rparen (no operation -- for decompilation ease only)
7 - left parenthesis (no operation -- for decompilation ease only)
8 unary - 24 today 40 CASE 56
9 unary + 25 now 41 OF 57 ENDCASES = restore CV
10 abs. value 26 42 ENDOF 58 today - old
11 27 carriage ret 43 DEFAULT 59 CASES = save CV
12 log 28 pi 44 60 IF = nop
13 ln 29 cat&trunc 45 61 jump = ELSE & ENDOF
14 floor 30 catenate 46 62 jump if 0 THEN/OF
15 ceiling 31 #NOT# 47 63 ENDIF = nop
16 sin 32 #AND# 48 64 min
17 cos 33 #OR# 49 65 max
18 tan 34 + 50 = 66 1st n-day
19 arctan 35 - 51 <> 67 last n-day
20 arcsin 36 * 52 <= 68 first day
21 arccos 37 / 53 >= 69 last day
22 e^x 38 // 54 < 70 year
23 39 ^ power 55 > 71 month

72 day
73 day of week
74 date
75 sqrt
76 user.field[n] -- get field n of user ID record position 33 in DATA.MSG
77 not.used
78 apply format: value and picture are on stack
79 convert: picture & char.string are on stack
80 truncate: char string on stack
81 substring - string,n1,n2 on stack base 1
82 search - mask;field
83 not used because ABS is here it DATA.MSG
84 round - value;control
85 not used because CAT.T is here in DATA.MSG
86 not used because CAT.C is here in DATA.MSG
87 is length
88 is subfield
89 not used because LN is here in DATA.MSG
90 not used because EXP is here in DATA.MSG
91 FV - future value
92 PMT - payment
93 PV - present value

The formulas are stored in polish postfix form, 3+5*7 => 3 5 7 * +
But they will be displayed and edited in infix form.
The operator precedence is
#OR# #AND# #NOT# [<,>,<=,>=,=,<>] [+,-] [*,/] ^ [unary -,+]
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 )

Panel definitions:
The panel header is:
Offset length Usage
0 2 length
2 1 type: always 1
3 1 panel#
4 2 record length LRECL
6 3 textfile index for filename
9 1 color
10 1+1 x = column & y = row position of upper left hand corner
12 1+1 width & length of area inside box
14 2 offset to field list
16 2 offset to field extension data
18 3 textfile pointer for panel text
21 1 flags
22 1 field color
23 1 color of field being edited
24 2 not used
26 3 ptr to picture display info
29 3 ptr to title
32 4 x y w h for lookup area
36 2 offset to index list

01 - 1 => auto save when return is hit on last field
02 - 1 => auto create on change if bit 80 is also 1
04 - 1 => at least one index is empty
08 - 1 => show panel during lookup
20 = 32 - 1 => this panel does totaling - set by DISP-SET1
40 = 64 - 1 => panel is valid
80 = 128 - 0 => auto edit on change

Index structure starts at offset 38
0 1 2 3 6
lnth index# flags index.base.blk# field.string exception.string
exception.string only present for exception only index

01 - 0 if not yet allocated
02 - 1 if redefined or cleared - needs to be regenerated
04 - exception only index
08 - used by BREPLACE to indicate that index needs delete-insert
10 - used by IND-GEN to indicate index is being regenerated
20 - used by IND-GEN -- flips every 10 seconds to indicate regen is alive

Field structure 8-bytes
0 1 2 3 4 6 
field# flags1 flags2 lnth offset fptr

Flags1 - byte 1
01 - real/virtual -- on means virtual
02 - down arrow door defined --- 03 means door only field
04 - 0 = character, 4 = date
08 - 12 = binary or time, 28 = floating packed
16 - 8 = text
32 - field has total target
64 - editing not allowed
128 - must be not zero/blank

flags2 - byte 2
01 - initial on create
02 - initial on create save 3 means recompute hot
04 - value check at edit
08 - value check at save
16 - search field list defined
32 - n-type field - used in index key generation
64 - hidden
128 - auto increment

byte 3 - if a character field, this holds the length in the record
for binary G,H numbers this is the decimal scale -- length is 4 bytes
for N numbers, packed & binary, this is the number of digits for index
for dates, times, textpointers, and G packed numbers, this is 0

offset - bytes 4&5 = offset within record for field
fptr - bytes 6&7 = offset within field extension data for this field

Has general form:
0 1 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 ...
Lnth x, y, help, flags, left right up down types:
type lnth ... type lnth ... type lnth ... ....
Lnth is overall length -- doesn't include itself
lnth is length of string that follows -- doesn't include type or itself
x & y are each 1 byte, help is 3 bytes,
01 - 1 = auto-enter
02 - 2 = right-justify
04 -
128 -

Type 1 - lnth t1 pf1 tf1 < ti pfi tfi > - used for total target
groups of 3 bytes --- lnth is multiple of 3
means follow field pf# in this panel to field tf# in the target panel
Type 2 - field value list = 3-byte pointer into .STR file
Type 3 - initialization - 7-bytes -- see below
Type 4 - edit check - 7-bytes
Type 5 - picture MUST BE THE FIRST TYPE IN EXTENSION for copy field
Type 6 - search list of which first byte is length
Type 7 - door definition:
length, panel#, field#, index#, flags, field.list, auto.disp
flags defined: first 3 bits: not found spec:
0 - auto-create, 1 - create menu, 2 - no create allowed
3 - Don't Check on entry, 4 - no access
bit 3 is reserved - 8
bit 4 is on for doors with windows
bits 5 & 6 indicate Referential Integrity - Cascade Update/Delete
bit 5 - Auto-Update Dependent Records - 32
bit 6 - Auto-Delete Dependent Records - 64
bit 4 is Auto Lookup Display - 16
If bit 4 is on, auto.disp is 5 bytes: aldflags,x,y,w,h
-- see type 11 also
If bit 4 is off, auto.disp is 0 bytes
Bit 1 of aldflags is border on - 1
Bit 2 of aldflags is show from bottom - 2
Type 8 - 8-bytes next packed decimal value for auto increment field
Type 9 - lookup list - length,index,fields
Type 10 - 10 2 display.length display.depth
Type 11 - auto lookup list used with type 7 - length, fields in other panel
Type 12 - field name: lnth.byte name

Note that types 1 & 3 are currently available for display only fields
definition only supports type 3

Types 3 & 4 are type, lnth, kind, 3-byte pointer1, 3-byte pointer2
Kinds: 1 value, 2 range, 3 formula --- pointer2 is 0 for kinds 1 & 2
For kinds 1 & 2 pointer1 points to text: lnth value 
For kind3 ptr1 is formula, ptr2 is source
the 7-bytes is subtype.byte, two 3-byte pointers

Format: overall length, disp1, disp2, ...
Note: there is no ending 0
Each disp is: x,y,picture -- where picture includes a length byte
When a panel is to be displayed, we check to see if its display section
is in memory; if not, any current one is replaced with the current one.
At that time we also build a map of field numbers to display section
offsets using the extension data.

Report Definitions:
A report is a very complicated structure. The root of the structure is 
the report header with fields
0 length 0 2 bytes
2 not used ? one byte
3 panel# 2 bytes
5 name 3 bytes
8 text 3 bytes -- This is the actual report execution definition.
11 LEFTMARGIN 1 byte
12 index# 1 byte
13 PAGEWIDTH 2 bytes
15 TOPMARGIN 1 byte
16 REPMODE 1 byte 15 AND
16 WPMODE? 1 byte 16 AND
16 lookup, all real, all display 1 byte 96 AND
16 column text wrapped 1 byte 128 AND -- for menus this is REPMMODE
17 #LINES 2 bytes
19 BOTMARGIN 2 bytes
21 SELECT? 1 byte 64 AND -- not used currently
21 CRE/APP 1 byte 8 AND
21 SRCH? 1 byte 16 AND
21 EXCLUDE 1 byte 32 AND
21 REPDIR 1 byte 128 AND
22 EXCHAR 1 byte
23 EXCHAR2 1 byte
24 filename 3 bytes
27 search 3 bytes
30 Printer# 1 byte
33 User authorization list 3 bytes (not used?)
Report execution definition:
This is just text with interspersed commands that have the form:
254 2-byte-lnth 1-byte-type data
The types are:
1 - section
2 - field
11 - EJECT
12 - conditional eject
13 - skip to bottom of page
14 - multiple recs/line
15 - 2-level report spec
19 - skip record form is 254 2 19 rv#
20 - store value in rv form is 254 8 20 rv# formula.ptr text.ptr )
21 - prompt for rv value
( form is 254 len 21 rv# len2 msg len3 format ) ( len=len2+len3+4 )
22 - report subgroup form is 254 4 22 0 0 0
23 - delete/cancel record is 254 2 23 0
24 - skip other header if 2lvl header waiting is 254 2 24 0
25 - set page no. is 254 2 25 n ( may be 1 or 2 bytes )
26 - ( form is 254 2 26 rv# )
27 - ( stop.rep form is 254 2 27 rv# )
28 - ( lookup is 254 2 28 0 )
29 - ( print/file on/off is 254 2 29 n )
( n is 1,2,3,4 for print off/on file off/on )
30 - ( repeat form is 254 2 30 rv# )
31 - ( open file form is 254 2 31 rv# )
32 - ( include file form is 254 2 32 rv# )
63 - subreport ( 254 8 63 pan# former.pan# door# i 0 rep.sec 0 )
For dynamic link: 254 n 63 pan# former.pan# 0 0 index# rep.sec list
64 - tab
65 - no blank line
66 - bold / underline
67 - printer control string 254 n 67 0 n-2.char.string