CuteFTP - the user friendly FTP program

Step 1: Cick on the Open button (not Save)

Step 2: Unzip
to: C:\CuteFTP

Click on Close

Goto the My Computer
C: Drive
in a folder called
Find the file called, and Double Click to execute

When you launch the program you will ask you to Agree to the evaluation agreement
You can Cancel the Setup Wizard

3. Click on the "book" icon for Settings, the left most icon on the Tool Bar

4. Settings for sending Data

Step 5: Click on the
button to Connect
You will see:

Step 6: Drag your file(s) from the left hand side to the right.
Wait until the file is completely uploaded.
Step 7: Then you can exit the program.
That's it! Congratulations!
OPTIONAL: If you want to use CuteFTP again, you can make a
shortcut on the Desktop
with a right click, then Send to Desktop (create shortcut)
OPTIONAL You also might prefer to drag this folder in to
C:/Program Files