Database Combining

If you have your Contact data in a variety of places
* Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets
* ASCII Text or Comma Separated Value (CSV) files
* Palm databases
* Q&A
* Electronic rolodex programs
* Palmtops
* Mailing list files
* and more...

wpe5.jpg (1168 bytes) ASCII - comma, tab, or any character delimited
access.jpg (1135 bytes) Access
act.jpg (1444 bytes) ACT!
dbase.jpg (1184 bytes) dBase
excel.jpg (1173 bytes) Excel
fox.jpg (1122 bytes) FoxPro
goldmine.jpg (1426 bytes) Goldmine
Maximizer_icon.jpg (1183 bytes) Maximizer
odbc.jpg (1207 bytes) Microsoft SQL
M Multimate
N.jpg (1471 bytes) Novell BTrieve / Pervasive
W Wang

We can bring them all together into Access, FoxPro, ACT! or Goldmine

We make some temporary databases to hold the data,
then import the data from the various sources.

We have special Database Conversion procedures we use.

We include a field to mark where the data originally came from.

Then we clean up the file, making it consistent.
For example, with 2 character state codes in caps.

We de-duplicate the file.

We can "normalize" the database, and make it in to a fully relational database, if you have a "flat file" or "spreadsheet" database that has repetitive fields which actually should be records in a separate table, related on a key field.

Then we send it to you in ACT! or whatever format you want.

Various combinations we can do

actconvert.jpg (7426 bytes)

To Goldmine
GoldmineConvert.jpg (6147 bytes)

To Maximizer
MaximizerConvert.jpg (6181 bytes)

sfconvert.jpg (11782 bytes)

To Oracle Small Business
osbconvert.jpg (5853 bytes)

To Access
accessconvert.jpg (6281 bytes)

To FoxPro
FoxproConvert.jpg (6170 bytes)

To dBase
dBaseConvert.jpg (5918 bytes)

To Outlook
OutlookConvert.jpg (6087 bytes)

and more...

We can convert your database

We can also clean up your database

Call for a free estimate

C I Corporation
