Advanced dBase IV

This course expands on the dBase functions covered in the introductory course. The advanced functions include programming in dBase, advanced interactive search commands, and multiple file processing. Students also learn to design and print reports and customize dBase IV. More than 70% of this course is hands-on use of dBase IV.

Learning Objectives: After completing this course, a participant will be able to:

* Understand additional dBase functions;

* Customize dBase IV and modify CONFIG.DB

* Create command programs

* Design and program a menu-driven application

* Master the Applications Generator

* Create customized input forms with field validation

* Perform single and multiple file operations

* Use the dot prompt as well as the Control Center

* Memory Variables and Arrays

* Use the programming constructs:




* Apply macros and user defined functions

* Incorporate Procedures in programs

* Create advanced column and form layout reports

* Networking concepts and programming considerations.

Target Audience: This course is useful for professional, managerial and administrative personnel at all levels. Familiarity with dBase III is required.