Q&A Advanced
Document File
Q & A Advanced - Day 2
Session #2 covers data inquiry, computing, reporting, and programming, including Macros. Also covered are designing a Q & A application, printing services, sharing databases between DOS and windows, networking with Q & A database.
Learning Objectives: 1
Expanded macro programming commands of Q & A
- Syntax rules for programming, program helper and function
- Lookup and x lookup functions
- Conditional statements, what if.? A
- Field and On-Entry/On Exit programming, advanced programming C
- Menus and Commands - Add/Edit, Update/Delete, Design Menus and Reference
- Printing Services 7
- Advanced Intelligent Assistant - Scripts from Dave F
- * Sharing a database between DOS and Windows, Limitations, Reports, Docs 6
- Networking with Q & A Databases, Trouble Shooting L Target Audience:
- This course is useful for persons who are familiar with K database concepts, and have a general background in computer use. It is D designed for maximizing the usefulness of Q & A without extensive programming experience.