Microsoft Project for Windows


Course Description

This course will teach the participant how to use Microsoft Project for Windows and will provide the participant with practical knowledge of:

* the basics of setting up a new project,

* how to enter resources, set up calendars, use resource-driven or fixed-duration scheduling,

* how to place constraints on task, track progress and

* how to monitor the project.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to:

* create a new project,

* enter task and resource information for the project,

* organize project tasks in outline form,

* display various views of project information,

* analyze and adjust schedules, resources, and costs as the project


* print reports of project information,

* customize Microsoft Project to display, report and maintain project


* set up and use a master project with subprojects and

* work with multiple projects at the same time.


This course is designed for project managers and project assistants. As

a minimum, the participant should have a basic understanding of how the

personal computer operates and a familiarity with the PC/XT/AT keyboard

and be able to use basic DOS commands.


2 days

Topical Course Outline


I. Introduction to the Course

A. Course design

B. Course structure

II. Creating a Project

A. Entering tasks

B. Setting start and finish dates

C. Outlining the project

D. Changing the task list

E. Assigning task relationships

F. Working with the PERT chart

G. Getting an overview

H. Filtering task information

I. Creating a project

III. Managing Resources

A. Entering resources

B. Creating calendars

C. Scheduling with resources

D. Creating combination views

E. Reviewing resource workloads

F. Sorting information

G. Reducing costs

H. Entering resources in a project

IV. Managing the Schedule

A. Scheduling with task constraints

B. Tracking progress

C. Shortening the critical path

V. Monitoring the Project

A. Microsoft Project basics

B. Reviewing the project

C. Creating filters

VI. Reporting

A. Printing views and reports

B. Customizing views and reports

VII. Connecting Projects

A. Working with subprojects

B. Working with multiple projects

VIII. Course Summary and Conclusion
