JavaScript for New Programmers Training Class

WestLake's JavaScript for New Programmers training class teaches you the JavaScript and programming techniques you need to develop leading-edge, interactive features for your Web site.

This course covers material similar to the JavaScript for Interactive Web Design class, but with a pace and structure more appropriate for new programmers and those who have not recently programmed in a modern language such as C or C++.

The JavaScript and programming skills you will learn in this two-day course include:

All students should have a strong knowledge of HTML, including text layout, image placement, forms, tables, and frames, either from their own experience or from WestLake's
Intermediate HTML and Advanced HTML/Introduction to CGI Scripting courses. No prior programming knowledge is required, although any experience you have had prior to class will be helpful.

JavaScript examples, as well as a more deatiled explanation of the language, are available on our FAQ page. A more detailed outline of the course is available, as is a comprehensive listing of JavaScript resources. For course dates and prices, visit the registration form.

This course includes a fully-illustrated, 128-page training workbook, a copy of O'Reilly & Associates' JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, and handouts.




JavaScript for New Programmers

Training Course Outline

Prerequisites: All students must have experience applying all topics covered in WestLake Internet Training's Intermediate HTML and Advanced HTML/Introduction to CGI Scripting and JavaScript courses. No prior programming experience is assumed, although students who have done some programming will find JavaScript somewhat easier to learn.

Student Objectives:

Day One

9:00 Introduction

9:10 An Introduction to JavaScript

9:40 A Basic JavaScript-enabled Color Picker

10:10 JavaScript Alerts

10:30 Break

10:40 Introduction to Functions in JavaScript

11:20 Introduction to Prompts and Scalar Variables

12:00 Lunch

1:00 Mouse Event Handling, setTimeOut(), and the window.status Property

1:40 Creating a Timer Object and Clearing a Timer

2:10 Break

2:20 Working with Forms in JavaScript

3:00 Emulating Events in JavaScript with the focus() and blur() Methods

3:30 if-else if-else Conditionals

4:00 Conclude Day One

Day Two

9:00 Working with Windows in JavaScript

9:55 Comparison Operators, Loops, and the return Statement

10:40 Break

10:50 The Math and Date Objects

12:00 Lunch

1:00 The String Object and Form Validation

1:45 Working with Frames in JavaScript

2:25 Break

2:35 The location and navigator Objects

3:10 Working with Images in JavaScript

3:50 Conclusion