Advanced FrameWork

FrameWork is a powerful integrated software program which expands upon the capabilities of dBase III. FrameWork combines the five most useful business applications: electronic spreadsheet, data management, graphs, word processing, and telecommunications into one powerful system. This course is designed for the participant who has some knowledge of spreadsheets or databases and who needs to acquire skill in applying FrameWork. This course is not for the first time PC or FrameWork user; it is an intensive course for PC users who need to learn how to use FrameWork. Participants are encouraged to bring spreadsheets, problems or examples of applications to the workshop during the last session of the second day. More than 70% of the course is hands-on use of FrameWork.

Learning Objective: After completing this course, a participant will be able to:

* Use FrameWork Command Language FRED and macros;

* Expand "What If" tables;

* Add-on applications;

* Use Windows and Auto Updating;

* Use FrameWork Advanced Forms Management;

* Apply advanced graph commands;

* Create a Database Management System with FrameWork;

* Process a document using FrameWork Word Processing;

* Identify FrameWork telecommunications commands; and

* Apply FrameWork skills to individual problems.

Target Audience: This course is useful for professional, managerial and administrative personnel at all levels, who will be using spreadsheets and databases.
