Level 2 - Charts and Databases
Creating a Chart
Creating a chart sheet
Creating an embedded chart
Comparing chart sheets and embedded charts
Modifying a Chart Sheet
Chart types
Adding and deleting chart items
Moving and sizing chart items
Modifying an Embedded Chart
Selecting and editing embedded charts
Moving and sizing embedded charts
Printing an embedded chart
Formatting a Chart
Formatting chart text
Formatting numbers
Formatting the chart
Printing a chart sheet
Built-in AutoFormats
User-defined AutoFormats
Graphic Objects
Working with graphic objects
Using graphics objects to enhance worksheets and charts
Advanced Charting Topics
Experimenting with series
Changing the scale
Adding a trendline and creating an overlay chart
Protecting charts
Sorting data
Single-level sorting
Multiple-level sorting
Sorting options
Using the Data, Subtotals command
Design considerations
Filter a list
Custom criteria
Managing a filtered list
Advanced Filter
Multiple condition criteria
Copying filtered data
Data Form
Maintaining a list by using the data form