Custom dBase Class

Economic Consulting Services, Inc. Computer Instructors Corporation Section I Introduction Basic Operations in dBase Explain dot-prompt e vs. menu mode Control Center How to create a database from a text file (.prn) or a worksheet (.txt) file Index and sort database on ne field Multiple fields Explain difference between MDX and NDX indexes and relative speed Explain "SET KEY TO" command Unique indexes


Define substrings in character fields

Sort by substring

Explain Functions




Aggregate data in numeric fields across entire database

by groupings based on one field

by groupings based on multiple fields


Set conditions for operations  Use of filters Possible conflicts between filters and indexes if indexed records are filtered out Use of ET FIELDS TO command Set relation between two or more database files Explain created/memory or calculated fields in a database mediate tatements in defining created fields D =iif(deleted(),"*"," ") Do's and don'ts of created fields (cannot index or set relation) Explain use of memory variables Import and export to and from non-dBase files Save files as print files and worksheets Session II Intermediaterogramming in dBase

* How to create a dBase program


* Defining procedures within a program






* Debugging a program


* Creating an dusing memory variables within a program

Declaring memory variables public


* Use of arrays in dBase


* Creating menu's for programs


Creating Reports

* How to create a report form


* How to set the print options:

Pica, condensed

Landscape, portrait


* Add in groups and group headers

Group sub-totals


* Insert Calculated fields into a report form




* Use of arrays in dBase


* Creating menu's for programs


Creating Reports