wpe3F.jpg (2795 bytes)  Honduras ACT! Class  act_icon.gif (1206 bytes)

For the Ambassador and Consulate Officers

October 25 - 26, 2006

Schedule of Events - September 17, 2004

Investment Promotion Seminar - using ACT!

Lunch at the World Bank Dining Hall

Embassy Consulate Management System - using ACT!

ACT! based applications for Embassies


Rodrigo Ortiz, Senior Investment Promotion Manager, World Bank

Rick Shaddock, Computer Instructors Corporation

His Excellency the Ambassador Mario Canahuati
is an excellent student, as he attends the class in ACT!
to help synchronize the consulates with his Embassy in DC

Independence Day Celebration for Belize
with all the Ambassadors from Central America
September 15, 2004



