ZJV3H2 British Airways
Saturday morning

no flight on Friday from Yerevan
London - Yerevan: Winter M W F
Summer schedule 4/1/2003 W F Su (Mon)
Returns M, TH, Sa 8:30 6736 11:30
Sunday evening the 30th coming back last flight 7:05pmBA225
in to Washington at 9:10pm
FARE: $1230.08


From: Bbraunwieser@worldbank.org 

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Mon, 3 Mar 2003 19:07:41 -0500
Subject: Upcoming visit - March 17-26, 2003
To: <movsisyan@esf.am>,
Cc: <Kgrigorian@worldbank.org>,
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From: Bbraunwieser@worldbank.org
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2003 19:07:14 -0500
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Dear Mr. Movsissian, Dear Natalya,

I hope this e-mail finds you well.

As you may already know from Karen Grigorian, I am planning to be in Yerevan
from March 17-26, 2003. This e-mail is to prepare the upcoming visit and to get
your feedback on the proposed activities. For the visit, I will be accompanied
by the Contact Relationship Management (CRM) consultant Mr. Rick Shaddock
(funded throughPHRD grant resources), who will be in Yerevan from March 17-28.
My visit will also overlap with the visit of Mr. David Brown, who plans to be in
Yerevan from March 12-20, 2003.

For this MIGA mission I propose the following tasks as priority activities:

   CRM system implementation and training
Mr. Rick Shaddock, CRM consultant, will undertake the installation,
customization and administrator and basic user training for the CRM system that
ADA will receive. Together with Rick, we will also deliver training for ADA
staff on how to use this new CRM software for investment promotion purposes.

   Implementation of IPAworks for the ADA Web site:
It seems that our efforts to have the Armenia Country Gateway assist the ADA in
the technical implementation of IPAworks for ADA's Web site have not been
fruitful as of yet. Therefore, Karen Grigorian is looking into other funding
sources and is confident that we will still be able to undertake the
implementation of IPAworks for ADA's web site during my visit. I will also
follow-up on content development that was started by ADA and provide assistance
and guidance with regard to online investor outreach.

   Coordination on training plan
Together with ADA,  discuss and move forward the training activities as planned
under the LIL.

In addition, I thought it useful to conduct a MIGA Guarantees information
session for interested private and public sector stakeholders such as the
members of the High Business Council and the Armenian-American Chamber of
Commerce during my visit. Perhaps ADA could host such an event in its conference
room and invite the relevant stakeholders.

Preparation for the visit:

   CRM implementation:
To prepare for the CRM installation, I would suggest Rick Shaddock to get in
touch directly with the ADA CRM implementation team - Musheg Sargsyan, Mikael
Tantushyan and Suzanna Gevorgyan, if this is agreeable with you. During Rick's
visit, Mikael should probably be the one to work most closely with Rick and to
be trained as CRM administrator within ADA. Please let me know if there is
anyone else whom you would like to get trained as a back-up administrator.

   CRM ADA staff training:
For the ADA staff training on the use of CRM, I would suggest to reserve two
half-days. Ideally, the dates would be Monday and Tuesday, March 24 and 25,
afternoon. Please let me know if these dates are suitable for ADA.

   MIGA guarantees information session:
If this is agreeable to ADA, then we would have to set a date for such an event.
I would envisage it to take about 1 hour and 1/2. Perhaps this could be
scheduled for one morning, e.g March 24th, or whatever other date you find

Moreover, I would greatly appreciate if Natalya could once again serve as the
main counterpart for preparing the visit.
If this is agreeable, Natalya, could we then set a time for a follow-up phone
How about this Wednesday, 5.30 pm your time?

Best Regards,


Birgit Braunwieser
Investment Marketing Services
MIGA, The World Bank Group
Tel. 202 473 3075
Fax 202 522 2650

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