Form a User Group
Didn't find an ACT! User Group in your metropolitan area? Start your own! Just review
the program requirements and benefits below, and then send an e-mail to List@ACTUserGroups.Org to get started.
To initially qualify as an ACT! User Group, you must meet the following requirements:
- Your group must be specifically focused on ACT!
- You must have a chairperson or officer who will serve as spokesperson for the group and
as liaison with ACT Consultants Association
- Your group must meet at least four times each year
- You must distribute, collect, and submit the ACTCA User Group Attendee Feedback Form at
least once a year to the ACTCA User Group program manager
As a member of the ACTCA User Groups Program, you'll be eligible to receive the following
- User Group information posted on the ACTCA website
- Participation in e-mail campaigns promoting your User Group (up to a maximum of 4
mailings per year and 5,000 users per mailing)
- Access to the ACTCA logos