oDatabase = CreateObject("ACTOLE.DATABASE")
If oDatabase.IsOpen
oSales = oDatabase.SALES
'New Sales record
oSales.Data SLF_SaleStartDate, startDate
oSales.Data SLF_SaleDate, closedate
'These need to be IDs from the List
oSales.Data SLF_ProductId, sProductId
'These need to be IDs from the List
oSales.Data SLF_TypeId, sTypeId
oSales.Data SLF_Units, 100
oSales.Data SLF_UnitPrice,2.25
oSales.Data SLF_Amount, 225.00
oSales.Data SLF_Probability, 65
'These need to be IDs from the List table
oSales.Data SLF_CompetitorId, CompetitorId
oSales.Data SLF_SalesStage, " Confirmed order on phone,
waiting for written order"
'Update the contents of the record
uniqueID = oSales.Update
oSales.GoTo (uniqueID)
If oSales.Error
MesssageBox oSales.LastError
'Make the association between a
contact and an activity
oSales.AssociateWithContact sContactId
oSales.AssociateWithGroup sGroupId
Set oSales = Nothing
oDatabase = null
Set objDatabase = CreateObject("ACTOLE.DATABASE")
objDatabase.Open dbName
If objDatabase.IsOpen Then
Set objSales = objDatabase.SALES
'New Sales record
objSales.Data SLF_SaleStartDate, startDate
objSales.Data SLF_SaleDate, closedate
'These need to be IDs from the List
objSales.Data SLF_ProductId, sProductId
'These need to be IDs from the List
objSales.Data SLF_TypeId, sTypeId
objSales.Data SLF_Units, 100
objSales.Data SLF_UnitPrice,2.25
objSales.Data SLF_Amount, 225.00
objSales.Data SLF_Probability, 65
'These need to be IDs from the List table
objSales.Data SLF_CompetitorId, CompetitorId
objSales.Data SLF_SalesStage, " Confirmed order on phone,
waiting for written order"
'Update the contents of the record
uniqueID = objSales.Update
objSales.GoTo (uniqueID)
If objSales.Error Then
MsgBox objSales.LastError
End If
'Make the association between a
contact and an activity
objSales.AssociateWithContact sContactId
objSales.AssociateWithGroup sGroupId
Set objSales = Nothing
End If
Set objDatabase = Nothing