ACT! Certified Consultant Course
November 12-16, 2001

Instructor: Steve McCandlish

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Steve has taught most of the ACCs on Earth
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Making a point
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Steve and Bill
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On break

Class Mates

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Frederick Shaddock
Class of ACC-DOS 10/1992, ACC-Windows 11/2001
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David Spanos of Oakhurst
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The course moves rapidly
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Mastering ACT!
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ACT! 2000
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Class notes
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Discussing Sync Setup

Damon Corners

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Database guru Damon from Eugene office
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Explaining ACT! table relations
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Advanced Database Structure
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Damon sets up his demonstration

  Interact Commerce Corporation
8800 N. Gainey Center Drive Suite 200
Scottsdale, AZ 85258 USA
Tel: 480-368-3700
Fax: 480-368-3799

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8800 Gainey Center Drive
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Headquarters Entrance
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Convenient to Golf Course
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ICC Headquarters
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ICC Annex Building
Where the training took place
2nd Floor
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ICC Annex

ACC Exam

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The goal: an ACC Certificate
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Future ACCs answer the questions.
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Another ACC finishes the exam
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Souvenir ACT! mouse pad

ICC Treats ACC Class for Dinner

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Ted offers to treat for dinner.
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Future ACCs appreciate it

Hotel Scenes

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Shaddock taking a swim before class
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Mrs. Shaddock relaxes in the jacuzzi
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Doubletree Paradise Valley Resort

5401 N. Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85250-7090
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Tel: 1-480-947-5400 Fax: 1-480-946-1524 
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Bar area with artistic lights
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Pool with elegant green lights

Around Scottsdale, AZ

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Bank of America
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Example of Arizona architecture - The Head home

Return Home

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ICC Annex
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Return the Rental Car at PHX
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Checking in at the airport
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