Fairport High School
Reunion of Class of 1973

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1358 Ayrult Road, Fairport, NY 14450, USA, Earth, Milky Way

Reunion Agenda
September 12 - 13, 2003

Friday: WoodCliffLodge.com
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Woodcliff Drive, Rochester, NY 14692

Then keep on truckin' to
Saturday: Powder Mill Park

RSVP Form & Fees

Sign up with Classmates.com
to see more details:
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Then & Now

Download "On Oh Fairport"wpeE.jpg (747 bytes)
Top 40 music from 1973

Pictures from the Reunion
Out of sight!

Do you have pictures you would like to share?
"Zip up" your pictures, and email them to
or upload them at DataUpload.com if over 10 megs

Reunions are with class mates, but also with your self.

NASA photos: Fairport, Down town, Fairport High School

View Reunion

The Fairport High School Class of 1973 is having a reunion
... and you're invited!

Organizer     PAT DAILEY
When     Sep 12, 2003
Duration Friday September 12 - 13, 2003
Details Friday -- Dinner at the Woodcliff Resort. Saturday -- Golf at Woodcliff Resort (11am), with more to come for Saturday evening. Plus, a block of rooms will be reserved at Woodcliff for classmates attending the reunion.
Where Woodcliff Resort
Woodcliff Drive
Rochester ,NY 14692

Cost Will be finalized by March 1.


There's new information about Fairport High School Class of 1973 Reunion at Classmates!  

Classmates has the details:

DONATIONS NEEDED!  We are going to hold a raffle at Friday's dinner.  The purpose of the raffle is to raise money to lower the cost of future reunions.  Donations of items to raffle off are requested!  If you have something of value, or something associated with Fairport that you would like to donate to the raffle, please bring it with you to dinner.

PICNIC REQUEST:  The $5 admission fee for Saturday's picnic at Powder Mill Park only covers the cost of beer and hotdogs.  We ask that everyone attending the picnic please bring something to snack on and share with everyone else.  Thank you!  

See you soon!
Pat Dailey Murphy

Go to information about your reunion by clicking the
link below:

Classmates, the World's Best Place to Reunite


Portrait of Richard Nixon Nixon, Richard


Hosted by: Cosmic Internet Corporation
Web Dude: Rick Shaddock
